Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

The White Spider
Brilliant book.


Has anyone read Into Thin Air and is it any good?

I’ve a list as long as my arm now of books I really want to get so they can look good on my bookshelf gathering dust.

Yes it’s very good. A really sad story.
Everybody thinks they are correct. What it shows really is that your mind doesn’t work well when hypoxic and cold.
Well worth a read.

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Doesn’t surprise me in sliightest, the offer of accommodation I mean. Never forgot his roots. We talked about Peter Lawlor for ages when we met, he was talking him up big time.

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Yeah. Seemed a real decent sort. I let him know I was a Tipp man, and just dug up the old emails there, and there was a bit of back and forth over that.

Regards (even though you’re a Tipp man)

He knew well stopping to help the others would most likely be fatal, for him it was better to stay and try than to go and live the rest of your life haunted by it, some heart that man must have had RIP.


And you hear of 100s on Everest walking past people in serious bother and it’s not held against them at all. On K2 trying to help someone is a death sentence. Far more camps, milder weather and less exposure on Everest.

There was a lot more to that accident wasn’t there? It seems people falsely accused Ger of being in coherent and that when he went to help the others. I’m fairly sure some crowd had little or no experience and caused a lot of the issues.

Which is better?

I couldn’t say really, I read them years apart, perhaps it depends on the era you have more interest in, Mallorys story is superb, the Ellsworth book goes well into the 50s and the great successes

If you intend to read both I’d start with the Wade Davis one though


Hasn’t Everest essentially become a tourist trip with queues of people to get up who should be nowhere near the place based on climbing experience. That has led to the deaths.

I know a lad who climbed Everest, got to summit and reckoned in hindsight it was madness, nearly died and people should be protected against their own bravado.


Davy Fitzgerald training lads to climb Everest is peak Covid TV

Noel Hanna from Northern Ireland hoping to be part of second winter k2 summit. He’s starting out to camp 1 later this evening

Who is he with? International group?

Yeah he’s part of the expedition that did it few weeks ago. He’s in second wave, heard him live on radio earlier from base camp. They’ve been waiting 2 weeks for a weather window and reckons weather is so severe currently it could be mid Feb before he summits.
He was first Irishman to summit there and come back alive in 2018


The weather there is one of the reasons why K2 is so much tougher than Everest. Apparently whole years have passed with no one getting to the summit because of the weather.

I might do Everest next


Take a few good photos will ya for the inane scenery thread

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The lads living within 5k of Everest are fairly laughing now