Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

It’s true

I am a dick head

It’s still an incredibly selfish act

Twas a fair pivot but Shur look it, sone fellas are wired differently

NI climber abandons K2 summit attempt

Some lads can’t hack it

You try climbing a mountain carrying a chip on both shoulders.


Myself and @Batigol know this lads pain, having abandoned an attempt on Lugnaquilla a few years back.

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I had to come down off the ladder once upon a time, no place to be when a storm lands put of nowhere.

First two fatalities of the Everest climbing season today.

There’s an Irish lad blogging his attempt via Instagram @auldstock was posting every day up until last weekend when it went silent, he posted a pretty cryptic message today then.

Cryptic as in from beyond the grave?

“Twist in the tail” I’m guessing its pig related so

That’s former Connacht and Leinster 2nd row Damien Browne. He has done some mental endurance stuff since he retired from Rubby. Wired all wrong if you ask me

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I’m guessing he got covid. It’s rampant up there apparently and very difficult to tell the symptoms apart from regular altitude sickness

Be suicide to climb everest with even minor lung issues you’d imagine

I’m not going climbing Everest cause my wife just said she wouldn’t let me. I’d do it otherwise.


She’d hard leave you near the Galtees again, let alone Everest


A second row rubby player wired wrong???

Didn’t he leave behind a 3 week old baby too? Hector mentioned it on the podcast recently


Ya delayed his trip by a few days so was playing catchup with his group