Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

By the time tfk is finished with him he’ll be doing well to make Glenties.

He gets in tmrw around midday

5 miles from Black Head now. @KinvarasPassion can let off a few shots at him soon enough

Us WAWWFH (Wild Atlantic Way Working From Home) types will be waving our laptops and workphones to welcome Damo back home

I see a faint light on the horizon, huzzah


He’s from Renmore in Galway. I’m not 100% sure, but I think he’s based in Australia. I’d know the family. Fine people. Don’t know what got in to Damien’s head since he retired from the rubby. Mad shite altogether.

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He barely mentioned rugby or any of this team mates for the entire trip. One story about Bernard jackman and that was it.

I see Drico encouaging him on the gram.

Hang on, is this fella Damien Browne the former Connacht rugby player?


I haven’t been following it that closely tbh. But I wouldn’t be one bit surprised by it. It’s a savage achievement, but you’d wonder are lads like that ever fully happy.

And Leinster. And somewhere over in France, name of the club escapes me atm.

Fuck sake there’s a want in a lad who rows across the Atlantic. You can fly it in five hours Ffs.


Very true Fagan.

Attention seeking at its extreme

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Jaysus, I never put that together. That’s gas altogether.

I suppose “Journeyman former rubby pro selfishly rows across the Atlantic Ocean, abandoning his family for 4 months in doing so, in order to seek affirmation from more famous and successful contemporaries” doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.


Serious rowing going on here

It will be fair awkward for him sitting out in Galway bay tonight with the local fishermen going about their business bringing in bales of weed and Charlie. He could get drowned in lobster pots.


There was 2 of them doing it originally, the other lad said fuck this around the Statue of Liberty