Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

Explain this one to us?

He had conditions etc in his favour and could have gotten closer to the Aran Islands but eased up because his wife and child weren’t going to make it to the docks on time. Then conditions turned and he got blown down to Kerry.

Every story needs a cliffhanger ending

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It’s not as simple as all that, much as some here would like it to be. The weather he was hit with would have seen him in serious grief if he was closer to land. He had to spend several days on para-anchor around that time, and that would have been very precarious close to land.

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Brownie is playing a blinder here.

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Looking at, he’s probably not too far off in his estimate of Galway Docks by the time the gates close at Tuesday lunchtime. He has strong southerly winds for Monday, followed by westerlies on Tuesday. He could sit out on deck for the next two days, smoking a few Woodbines, and Mother Nature will do the rest.

He was hoping to be passing the islands tonight

Not a chance. He’s just rounded Kerry Head. Might be Wednesday yet.

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Might get another few corporate sign ups on the Empower program

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The Marine Traffic doesn’t seem to have been updated since he started rowing again.

Noticed that this morning alright. His latest waypoint marker has him just south of the Aran Islands.

He won’t see any bonfires if he’s passing them in the middle of the day


It’s the flash of the cameras that will guide him home

He’s rowing in and out of the Aran Islands now, looking for the bonfires.


Is this bollox still in the sea. FFS.


He was at the mouth of the Shannon Estuary this morning. He’s flying it.

The wind at sea is doing 95% of the work for him in fairness

He’s all at sea

Sounds like a lot of his family will be gone again before he lands.

Where is Browne actually based ? I presumed Galway.

Must have cost a small fortune as he was in New York with the family for a while before he left.

He’ll make it all back with a talk at the Pendulum Summit next year.

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