Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

Jaysus they are dropping like associates of Mr Flashy at the minute.

These 2 paragraphs are equally tragic and bizarre.

Bonkers fucking stuff. We’re an awful nation of bandwagoners.

These lads are sick in the head

What a crock of shit. More Nepalese have died in a month than the total of Irish dead.

When the likes of ueli steck gets killed on a mountain everyone else is just gambling. K2 is madness altogether.

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Search called off for Lawless

Thanks for the scoop mate

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Nepalese don’t count mate

I was listening to some lads on the radio before who, as part of their prep for going up Everest, left letters to their loved ones telling them how much they loved them etc in case they didn’t make it.

You really do get tiresome at times

“If Mayo ever win Sam please bring the cup to my grave. I love you all. Thanks.”


“The bin goes out on Tuesday”


And don’t forget to cancel my Netflix subscription.

My TFK moniker is XXXXXXX. I always hated that cunt YYYYYYYY.
Log in and abuse the shite out of him.


‘Fuck tipp’


Anyone who needs O going up a mountain shouldn’t be climbing. It’s fucking madness. And paying 60k to do it. Lads who do the matterhorn solo are proper climbers. A proper test.

I made it to the top of the jungfrau. Amazing experience - you can see the curvature of the earth, the churning birth of glaciers and truly gain a sense of infinity . The air is really really thin- it didn’t bother me, but I saw a few people passing out and plenty of others having to lie down… You look across at the eigre and the monk and think of all those who died trying to scale the peak you’re standing on. Truly humbling.
(the train did most of the work)


Even the most critical anti flat earth lads say you can’t see the curvature of the earth until your 25 miles up. I was higher than you in a plane and couldn’t see it. So stop the bullshit.

Hooch is crazy