Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

it really put John Burke’s achievement into perspective, one of the greatest athletic performances of all time by an Irishman


I couldn’t get over how little fuss there was about it at the time.

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It’s cos he’s a hateful bollix

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Has the Eiger ever been summited via the north side?

Very humble man

He stared death in the face

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At least he had the decency to climb it before starting his family.

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You muppet

Most or the lads here have been on planes and know the story stop the bullshit now. You weren’t in space so you saw fuck all curve.

I could sense it though… as I gazed in awe


Clint Eastwood managed it in the 70s.

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Bill Cooper goes up of a Saturday morning with the newspaper


There’ll be a Dunkin’ Donuts opened on top of it in 3/4 years.


There will be a Krispy Kreme drive through with long queues at 2am

Nepal needs a Green Party government to prevent this happening


So did Greyworm and he’s a still a cunt

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He just said you can see it from the train or cable car. You can see the birth of glaciers
I’m in

Lineker is coming under pressure for this tweet.

It’s realistic enough tho. Bad taste but accurate.

Agreed on both.

another death this morning