Moving Abroad

Now that we’re officially in a recession I wonder how long it will be before there’s a mass exodus out of the country. We had a poll a while ago about if your job was recession proof and most people seem to think that theirs are but is that likely to change?

I’ve lost count of the number of lads I’ve heard of at home who’ve been laid off and have jumped on the Olympic bandwagon in London. A lot of those jobs have dried up and seems like the next stop is Dubai where construction is the biggest industry by a mile. Not sure if Irish lads could handle laying blocks in 45 degree heat though.

Was talking to a mate last night who thinks that in 2-3 months someone is going to turn on a tap and there will be an exodus out of here that hasn’t been seen since the 70’s. Graduates won’t want to hang around. A lot of non-nationals won’t hang around. Unskilled workers have nothing to stay for. Even skilled workers won’t want to get caught in the depression and want a change of scenery for a few years.

Truth be told I’d even contemplate it myself for a year or as there may never be a better time to get out of Ireland for a while. Never really travelled during college so there’s no time like the present. Anyone here travel and work in proper jobs (not behind a bar or some mundane job in a bank to earn drinking money) around the world? Any recommendations?

I worked in Perth at the same craic I do now. Was there and in Darwin for the guts of 8 months with the same company. Got paid very well, when I moved first I was on more than what I was on when I left. and then got a raise in Darwin. And the weather was great too. job there still if I want it, hear from people there now and then, and to be honest, would seriously consider it.

Definately worth a try for a while anyway if you are thinking about it, would only regret it otherwise. Get an experience of how its done in other places and all the better for it when you come back. Good on a CV too.

If you asked me 4 months ago was my job safe I would have say yes, 3 months and 3 weeks ago I got made redundant, unless you work for the government your not safe.

Ireland has always had a migrant culture, the Island was never big enough to support it’s people, for the last 15 years we’ve had a boom with people coming here for work, things will just go back to the status quo, hopefully not as bad as the 80s

5 weeks and i’m off. and i have a safe permanent job. just can’t stand the weather.

I can’t remember what I posted on the ‘is your job recession proof?’ thread a few weeks back but what’s happened since then shows how quickly things can change. The messages we’re getting is everything’s fine for us but I don’t know how much confidence you can place in someone’s words when they themselves have absolutely no control over what’s happening globally.

To be honest, if the recession did bite and my job was in jeopardy it might give me a push to do something I really want to do. I’d be pissed off to lose my salary obviously but not so much the job itself. I’d probably decamp to Wexford for a while and see what the fook my options are. One would be trying to get another job similar to what I’m currently doing, another would be to retrain in something else and then there’s the travel option.

In one sense travelling appeals to me a lot. Well, not necessarily travelling but moving to a different country with a decent climate and standard of living and working there for a year or whatever (I have no interest in walking through Laos or Chad or somewhere). But then I’m a bit irrational and I tend not to really see the bigger picture. Things like missing Wexford or Champions League games seriously puts me off the idea. Which is weird I suppose.

You can go to the states now for a year on a ‘J’. Will it be like the Aussie one, under 30s only? Mussay would love to work in the States for a few years but unlikely now.

I know of one Big 4 accountancy firm that has had a hiring freeze in place for the past couple of months and have heard of another big 4 firm not honouring about half of the graduate contracts they offered. So it must be affecting people across the board.

I know for a fact that a client of mine stopped purchasing stationery recently.

Literally told staff to bring in their own pens and notepads.

Gerry Ryan is back on Maxwell House apparently, cut backs in RTE. Maybe I should pay my licence so the creatar can have his fancy dan stuff.

Half my company have been let go in the last two months and the rest of us are hanging on by the skin of our teeth. Wouldn’t mind heading to Oz if the worst came to the worst and trying my luck there. However the girlfriend is a real home bird and we a young baby so its more a pipe dream than anything else. Worrying times ahead…

Sure, you and the kid can head off to Oz. Leave her behind to mind the house!

[quote=“Bandage”]I know for a fact that a client of mine stopped purchasing stationery recently.

Literally told staff to bring in their own pens and notepads.[/quote]

Fuck off?? :wink:

Who needs pens and notepads these days anyway?

Presume people would still grab for the pen and paper when taking messages or when someone asks you to check something and you are busy at the time and just take note of what is to be done.

I don’t give a fook whats being said to me on the phone anymore.

Just when I thought I’d figured out who you were you throw me off the scent padjo. Fuck ye anyway!

Jesus Mac, you must have a file on everybody on here?!?

Only certain people Fran - you were too easy :wink:

One of these days Mac, one of these days

[quote=“Bandage”]I can’t remember what I posted on the ‘is your job recession proof?’ thread a few weeks back but what’s happened since then shows how quickly things can change. The messages we’re getting is everything’s fine for us but I don’t know how much confidence you can place in someone’s words when they themselves have absolutely no control over what’s happening globally.

To be honest, if the recession did bite and my job was in jeopardy it might give me a push to do something I really want to do. I’d be pissed off to lose my salary obviously but not so much the job itself. I’d probably decamp to Wexford for a while and see what the fook my options are. One would be trying to get another job similar to what I’m currently doing, another would be to retrain in something else and then there’s the travel option.

In one sense travelling appeals to me a lot. Well, not necessarily travelling but moving to a different country with a decent climate and standard of living and working there for a year or whatever (I have no interest in walking through Laos or Chad or somewhere). But then I’m a bit irrational and I tend not to really see the bigger picture. Things like missing Wexford or Champions League games seriously puts me off the idea. Which is weird I suppose.[/quote]

Strange but I think GAA is one of the things that I would miss most about moving away from home. A summer doesnt seem the same without our annual 3 or 4 trips to Croker and the banter afterwards in Quinns, Flannerys and Coppers. On the flipside though, you could argue we’ve the rest of lives to spend summers watching GAA but not to go travelling!

Even over the weekend another 2 banks are on the brink of collapsing. Its a scary scary time out there and I think there’s gonna be some big news within Ireland in the next month that will lead to a lot of layoffs.