Moving Abroad

i had planned since last march 12 months in oz with the lads. was leavin the missus at home. about a month ago her company had a meeting to say everyone’s job was safe untill at least xmas.

this morning they had a meeting and company is letting go 65 of 200 staff. have offered contacts for work in dubai and oz to any staff that want it.

it now looks like she is gonna be in oz before me. BURN!

[quote=“fist_of_fury”]i had planned since last march 12 months in oz with the lads. was leavin the missus at home. about a month ago her company had a meeting to say everyone’s job was safe untill at least xmas.

this morning they had a meeting and company is letting go 65 of 200 staff. have offered contacts for work in dubai and oz to any staff that want it.

it now looks like she is gonna be in oz before me. BURN![/quote]

It’ll never last…

[quote=“fist_of_fury”]i had planned since last march 12 months in oz with the lads. was leavin the missus at home. about a month ago her company had a meeting to say everyone’s job was safe untill at least xmas.

this morning they had a meeting and company is letting go 65 of 200 staff. have offered contacts for work in dubai and oz to any staff that want it.

it now looks like she is gonna be in oz before me. BURN![/quote]

its a big enough country that you dont have to be by her side. Wherever she ends up just go somewhere else. or else just dump her and forget about it if you dont want to be out there with her.

like one of the lads I was out in Oz with, had a girfriend back home, and was ringing her and holding out for her the whole time. he was like a cunt for the last couple of months coz he was wanting to get back to her. what happens when he gets back? only that she was off riding some other lad for a few months and didnt want to tell the lad in Oz coz she thought he’d be upset, so broke up with him when he got home. so he wasted 12 good months pining after someone who’d moved onto to another dick. he was a bigger fool tho for not breaking up with her before he left when he knew it wasnt going to last.

[quote=“Gman”]Wherever she ends up just go somewhere else. or else just dump her and forget about it if you dont want to be out there with her.


Jesus Gman but you’ve a heart of stone:eek:

aye, I suppose I do, but fuck it sure, whats the point of being with someone for the sake of it if you dont actually want to be with them.

and sure didnt I do it myself anyway! and everything has worked out all fine now and far far happier than when I was going out with someone and not really that pushed about it.

[quote=“Gman”]its a big enough country that you dont have to be by her side. Wherever she ends up just go somewhere else. or else just dump her and forget about it if you dont want to be out there with her.

like one of the lads I was out in Oz with, had a girfriend back home, and was ringing her and holding out for her the whole time. he was like a cunt for the last couple of months coz he was wanting to get back to her. what happens when he gets back? only that she was off riding some other lad for a few months and didnt want to tell the lad in Oz coz she thought he’d be upset, so broke up with him when he got home. so he wasted 12 good months pining after someone who’d moved onto to another dick. he was a bigger fool tho for not breaking up with her before he left when he knew it wasnt going to last.[/quote]

a friend of the girlfriend was at the same shite over there. she was in sydney & ur man in dublin. he went over to a months holidays & she broke it off wit him after 2 days apparently guilt ridden for takin ozzie pipe. ur man was gutted & flew home early. ur one arrives back in ireland 10 months later confessing her undying love for him & the wilnot takes her back. an even bigger fool

well the story with the gobshite I was out there with didnt end there, he also took her back when she came back from her time abroad, the fool, but they are finished now after all the bullshit.

another lad I was in college with was going out with a bird who went off to Oz and he stayed at home. He and everyone knew she was riding all around her out there, stories coming back, and sure he wasnt afraid of chancing a few in coppers either. then he starts to get guilty and arranges to go over to her at Christmas. What does he do? Proposes to her at the airport. they get married sometime next year.

women are cunts

i concur

remember jugs you are what you eat;)…

So you’re a cock then?

no a gravy chip:p…

jeeze lads, ye’d want to be careful or this could be construed as relationship advice.

MGG would have a field day.

i’d like to point out i wasn’t asking for any, only that the fcuking recession could ruin my philandering fun. bitten by the recession in a round about way.

Heard a rumour that Oz is in a recession or on the brink of one. Anyone know if this is true at all?

I think I’m failing to understand the logic here.

you were planning on going to Oz, and you have a girlfriend.
You were planning on riding all round you out there, while she stayed at home.
but now she might be going, so you will be with her, and not riding all round you.

Am I right so far?

I dont get this. either you want to be whoring and sampling some aussie delights, or you want to be with the bird. No point complaining if she is there, no point in being with her for the sake of it, as thats how it sounds to me.

there was a large recruitment fair in dublin last weekend apparently.

Yeah was meant to go to it but didnt bother in the end. Saw a bit on the news about it last night - 80% of people who turned up were looking to go out there to work. 3 years ago 80% of people who turned up were backpackers.

Australia seems to be a bit of a home wrecker.

Mate of mine was going out with a girl for 7 years, she went to Australia for a year, he wanted to break up with her but she didn’t want to, so he decided to do the honourable thing and not do anybody in Ennis (where they were from), off he went to Australia to meet her and have a great time, first night there he meets a friend of his that tells him about the girl that was shagging every fella from Ennis she met (guess who)

I thought it was funny

Seems to be some amount of slags out there.