Muldoons -twee or simple

if that shite started on any flight I was on, I’d be demanding that the pilot take action. It is criminal behaviour. You wouldn’t get away with that with Aer Lingus where guests are treated properly and their rights respected

Asked to tell them to cop on?


Pity the couldn’t have been fucked off the plane for that shite, were they met at the gate by the authorities for being disruptive on the plane? Cunts should be prison.

Damn right @Tassotti the cunts should have been fucked off the plane.

Relax mate, people could have made a complaint if they wished. Don’t try so hard.



Publicity stunt…

That’s a lovely little rant there

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Of course it was. Sure it was being filmed by 2 members of the cabin crew and posted on Ryanairs Social Media accounts. Lads here thinking that a bunch of muldoon students just pulled out their instruments and broke into it off their own back?! Idiots :joy:



Flying between London and Ireland the “fasten your seatbelt” sign hardly goes off for five minutes sure.

Mick O’Leary would have charged them a small fortune to bring the instruments on board sure

It’s a belter. Cowpat has really come into his own as a poster in recent months. A real steady hand on the till.

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You mean ‘in the till’?. Or ‘on the tiller’ perhaps?
Or are you cleverly mixing your metaphors? If so, towards what end??

A fucking nuisance is what they are

Keep you big nose out of it

Paul Galvin taught in that school til Dustergate .

Outstanding :clap:t3:

Out of the till? My nose is needed in this important matter