'Munster by birth, Irish thanks to the rest of us'

Hurling, Rugby, Politics, whatever else you care to mention,its clear now that Munster is the weak link in this country. Perhaps there’s more could have been done, then again perhaps not.
In short…:smiley:

[quote=“Lazarus”]Hurling, Rugby, Politics, whatever else you care to mention,its clear now that Munster is the weak link in this country. Perhaps there’s more could have been done, then again perhaps not.
In short…:D[/quote]


[quote=“Lazarus”]Hurling, Rugby, Politics, whatever else you care to mention,its clear now that Munster is the weak link in this country. Perhaps there’s more could have been done, then again perhaps not.
In short…:D[/quote]

Thinly veiled " I am seething because Munster beat Connacht in the inter provincial football"


But seriously, RIP Munster rugby and good riddance.

Who ye gonna support when PoC retires lads?

The sooner the sham that is professional rugby in this country is consigned to history the better. These fabricated entities like ‘Munster’ and ‘Leinster’ etc. have no place in a country which has some of the most historic clubs in the world. Give me the honest toil of Young Munster, St Mary’s or even toffee-nosed Bohs over the contrived absurdity of Munster any day of the week.

up the parish!

Good afternoon, young Puke. I was in around your country last thursday, I had a quick pint in Browne’s of Parteen. Are you looking forward to the all South Clare county hurling final?

the home of hurling sure;)…How is Mrs.Browne, her usual dour self?

Careful now, the Brownes are distant relations of mine. It was the son who was working there, wouldn’t have the best manner for a pub it must be said. Any chance they could buy a fridge? Will ye put Cratloe away on sunday? Any sign of an auld job yet?

yerrah tis hard to know SS**, they are a good side, plenty of pace and hurling if a bit light, they won’t fear us one bit…if we don’t give them soft goals we should see them off alright…No sign of a job, moving back home next week, things are tough

Thought you went back to college?

The best laid plans of mice and men

I’ll give you 30 and a feed of spuds if you come out and insulate my attic for me.

Is there internet access in Clonlara?

whats the sq. footage of the attic and it is the the rolls of the kingspan stuff or that beading shite?

yes there is…

It’s that isover stuff, fibre glass cut into 12ft strips. Handy out. The attic wouldn’t be massive. A few hours would see you right. I’m just too busy with my other business interests to do it myself.

I will for 30 euro an hour and a feed of spuds so…

grand job, I’ll send a car around for you tomorrow. Be waiting outside Spaights at 7 am with your bundle over your shoulder.