Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Itā€™s just TV filler for BT Sport.


Pulled into the estate a little after 5 pm and there was a stream of males in their 40s-50s coming from the direction of the pub ā€¦ big guts on them and big dour heads. I had no idea how the match was going but as soon as I saw the heads on them I let out a roar in the carā€¦ The mrs jumped ā€™ whatā€™ she screamed ā€¦ ā€˜Munster were bateā€™ says I ā€¦ and she just rolled her eyes. But fuck her and fuck Munsterā€¦

I tipped down to Douglas village then to get my hair cut and there was a another stream of the bastards queuing up for KCs as I left the barbers ā€¦ plenty of vinegar lads ā€¦

Fucking delighted for the bastards.

-why did a fan run on the pitch?


Unlike the leinster B/SA C/ limerick / Cark amalgamation??


Also lawnster are desperately trying to flog tickets for a home European semi final knock out on Bank Holiday weekend :joy:

I gave two away.

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Wonderful, absolutely wonderful.

  1. They lost badly.
  2. Vinipoola, or whatever his name is, got MOTM.
  3. They are blaming the referee.
  4. A half full stadium for the premier cup competition and die hard muuunster fans.
  5. They lost badly.
  6. A fuckwit wearing slippers and a wolly hat in his hand on the warmest day of the year breaks ranks and hurls abuse at the MOTM.
  7. Billy Keane and Matt Cooper will be seething.
  8. The Muuunster faithful showed how cuntish they were and how little they know about the game of thugby by booing the MOTM because they didnā€™t agree with his views.
  9. There will be only one show in Limerick for the summer with a full house every time and a team of legends willing to die for the glory of winning.
  10. The thugby elite can get back to snorting their white powder as they beg for tickets to see the Limerick hurlers play with real genuine passion.

The pints currently waiting in a barrel will be twice as creamy tasting tonight.


Weā€™ve been playing for over a century pal.

What exactly has Billy V said thatā€™s upset the rugby boys?

Iā€™m paraphrasing here now but he said something along the lines that man was meant for woman. Procreation is the whole idea right.


Fuck me thatā€™s embarrassing

If big Billy took a half step towards this pissed up river island mannequin thereā€™d be a nice brown stain in those white shorts.

So a Munster steamer ran onto the pitch to tell a player off for liking a post on facebook???

What an embarrassing franchise :joy:


Excellent post.

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He also said he liked cock

We just Werner goof enough on the day. Iā€™m not sure weā€™ll be goof enough anytime soon either. 7 semi final losses since 09.

Itā€™s a simple case of treasuring past glories really.

Heā€™s fucking livid Batt :joy::+1:


Dry your eyes Matt



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Can a objection be tabled due to a Saracen player having a dim view of homosexuality ?