Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)


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Just the nose man will do.

Canā€™t say Iā€™m a big fan of Ewan Mackenna but I love how his latest work has the Munster fans seething. He should have added that rugby has become really boring to watch. As has football. Any adult who is seething at Ewanā€™s article needs a SNA full time at home.

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Thatā€™s a very kev esque opening line :relaxed:


TNH territory ?

Iā€™d imagine so

That McKenna is a dope. Talking through his hole. Can he tackle the bigger issues in sport, doubt it. Seems like a top troll, would fit in well out here.

He could be sid i reckon.

Oh. My. God.

Thatā€™s unreal from Ewanā€¦ He absolutely destroyed the plastic bastards who support Munster ā€¦ It would have been nice if he gave me and a few others here credit for writing most of it, but Iā€™ll forgive him seeing as it was such a kicking.


ah heā€™ far from a dope
heā€™s just a WUM who does it very well and gets paid for it by various media outlets
He tackles the lowest enough common demonstrator UFC, dublin GAA finances, FAI finances, Mo Farah and now Munster Rugby - his style is very similar in each piece and his purpose is to gain a rxn, now with MMA its highly unlikely that cliente read broadsheets and his vernacular would be too much for them anyhow so he probably dosent resonate , with Farah - yeah,but its been done to death, the GAH finances, meh , the FAI well we know about that - his attacks on rugby tho are probably his finest wummery - now look again its just the way he tells it and it probably horrifies the holier than thou munster crowd who must think the world loves them, his next attack will surely be EPL fans of Liverpool

as an aside - we were driving to the Hill of Slane today cc @Bandage and Joe Molloy on OTB was doing the paper review which he does very well i must say
however, he got very uncomfortable when the studio guest ( some bird) praised Frannoā€™s article when he wrote that two hours after he (Franno) had contacted the IRFU on Akiā€™s ā€œlikingā€ of this ā€œtweetā€ ( how fucking ridiculous but thats rugby) this polished statement appeared from apparantly Aki, Frannoā€™s point was that
a) its a but ridculous he can just delete the whole episode now change his e opinion and b) if general public want to be inclusive and accept these lads from Polynesia then they need to be accepting of their beliefs no matter how non inclusive it may seemā€¦
Molloy didnt like it one bit

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I think you give credit to Ewan way too easily. I actually came across a friend of ewans. Well he worked with him a few times. He reckons heā€™s deeply disturbed. He takes these Twitter debates to bed with him. He isnā€™t sitting up laughing at this stuff.

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Kev would be proud of that one :clap:


Miguel Delaney and ewan would refresh their names on twitter multiple times a day. They are obsessed with themselves.

Did your friend tell you that too

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its his job tho and in order to be successful he needs to have a degree of notoriety to sustain himslelf - heā€™s a freelance journo and thatā€™s a shit enough existence
id imagine to do a job like that tho youā€™d have to be a little off allright - waking up in the morning and trying to decide who will i wind up today,

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ā€œmiguelā€ tho is a totally different concept to Ewan and is a very good football writer i must say with the Independent - he covers Chelsea very well and his match reports are good reading
as regards his twitter performances , well itā€™s fking twitter


Ya but in my experience a wum walks away from it. McKenna becomes totally deranged on twitter debating total crap day in day out. He doesnā€™t seem to get any enjoyment out of it.

No I remember writing some on twitter like ā€œMiguel Delaney talks a lot of rubbish on man unitedā€¦ā€ to a friend of mine chatting about a transfer rumor. I didnā€™t tag Miguel but he liked the tweet and then:

thatā€™s how I know Miguel searches his name


Ewan MacKenna is a complete gimp, this is a ā€œstopped clock twice a dayā€ situation.

He obviously has severe psychiatric issues and steals most of his best material from TFK. He posts nasty personal tweets and deletes them immediately because heā€™s a coward, eg his tweet that he wouldnā€™t stop until Donal Og Cusackā€™s media career is over.

He jumped the shark when he started talking about how the lack of hype around TJ Doheny showed the dark side to Irelandā€™s something-or-other. I donā€™t know what the fuck he was in about and he didnā€™t know either.

He threatened to sue TFK, an anonymous website, over some joke @HBV cracked about his wife but heā€™s always launching personal attacks on randomers on Twitter. Iā€™ve never met the guy but I would 100% guarantee he has major problems with self-esteem, depression and suicide-idealisation which he takes out on SPORTS and randomers online. Heā€™s a total wanker.