Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Couldn’t care less if they do as long as they don’t further push clubs down. When they were flavour of the month they ignored clubs, forgetting the success at the time was built on strong clubs mainly a Shannon pack.

The provinces don’t push clubs down, the clubs simply don’t enter their thoughts. They don’t care about club rugby one way or another.

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But because it is my native land . And my home , my home is there.

Top Comment on the Article :joy:

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“Taking positives” :joy:

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Ian is gonna be good fun it seems :pint:

Light touch regulation.

Is Sean on TFK?


One thing about tfk posters have that the journal commenters don’t is half a brain cell. Hard to believe

Really all they needed was a 10,000 seater stadium in Cork.


Who bankrupted themselves? Did I miss something

They’re a motorway short of world domination

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You’d think the best fans in the world who famously could find any way of getting to any stadium in Europe could negotiate a road from Cork to Limerick

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You really would, but shure that’s the way it’s gone.

Lads who could get to Bilbao in a camper van.

More importantly, they could get to Bilbao in a campervan on Facebook.


Don’t think the crowds would be any bigger in Cork, would be worse actually. Don’t think Rugby is as big a deal in Cork going by the City Centre pubs on Heineken Cup match days.

They should’ve just patched up Thomond Park rather than the wholesale job they did.

It’s rugby lad. They went to France, not Azerbaijan

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To be fair to Munster Rugby the stadium was the right size for the crowds they were getting when it was built. The place was regularly sold out and there was even a shortage of tickets on occasion.
Then they started being shit and everyone jumped off the bandwagon and their stadium, that looked a reasonable investment at the time with the Celtic Tiger booming etc., has become a bit of a folly.
I wouldn’t blame them for that really. The fact that they are so far behind Ulster and Leinster on the academy front is the bigger disgrace.