Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Leinster are a mile better than Munster now. Don’t know why anyone would get het up by D’Arcy pointing that out


Whats their problem with that? Truth kinda hurts.

Its hilarious how munster fans get so worked up by anyone in Dublin commenting on matters down south

I only skimmed through article so there might be other comments from the Darce that got the proud and faithful hopping

Fuck em.


I’m fairly sure this is what will have offended the sensitive souls, again though it is largely true. The only part I might disagree with is calling this Saffer a journeyman, he is a 25 year old lock so bit early to be labelling him like that.

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Pretty sure they wanted PSDT but Nucifora vetoed it and “allowed” the signing of Jenkins for half the price.

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Not outside the realms of the discussion on here. Some fellas don’t like the truth. That’s the problem with these bleed red munster fans are incredibly thin skinned. They lack the mental toughness to the bare truth thrown at you from real rubby folk in limerick. @Thomas_Brady knows the pain of being a shannon man of late, we had it long enough in the 00s. Its the fun part of the game the absolute slating your rivals when they are down.


Can someone point me to the thread where the lenghty debate is going on about leinster signing an overseas prop?


I see a Tommy O’Donnell has retired also. Helluva player in his day. Injury meant he never quite got to show absolute best of himself. Hope he has something lined up for himself


Surprised when they said he was 34. Didn’t have him down that old for some reason. Perhaps amount of time.out with serious injury factored in to me thinking he still had a good bit of time left.

Cunts on RTE 6 news showed images of JJ Hanrahan instead of O’Donnell when doing the piece on him tonight

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Yeah Id have said younger myself as well

Ah I’m sure the discussion will start soon

A fierce bit of stuff, injuries destroyed him sadly. He had it all though you’d have thought. He was a fierce loss to Munster.

Agreed. Tough as teak he was. Never mouthing or throwing himself about, just went about his business. Serious injuries to.come back.from too.

Is it Cahir he’s from, can’t recall? Wherever he is from in Tipp, ended up in the pubs there one evening. Very proud of him around them parts and rightly so.

Hope he does well with whatever he does next

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That’s a great signing by Leinster.


Aye, it was Cahir alright. I’m sure he has himself well set for the afterlife, its been staring him in the face for over 5 years.

Very astute signing by Leinster.

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Hes learning the national anthem in the next few days

Looks like the player Munster needed to sign.

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