Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

One of the goys fucked his ventolin inhaler into the fire pit with hilarious results.



Keeping a petrol can near a bbq. Rookie mistake

How else are you to get the BBQ going?


That is classic rugger lad behaviour right there

“We were just sitting around the fire and one of the boys threw a bit of petrol over the fire and then it caught his hand and he just tried to put it down on the floor and then the whole thing caught alight and exploded,” De Allende told SuperSport.

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I’m afraid that’s the inevitable result of countless concussions.

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TBH I’d well believe they’d be capable of it with or without the concussions.

We’ve all done that. **

**I have, and so has the oul fella who picked up the petrol can instead of the paraffin can wan day with quite spectacular effect.



Jesus Christ

Are the glory days of bandwagon fans gone by the wayside (pre covid even). e.g. the “cawl-der-on” of tomint park. Dollybirds incorporating a game with a day out? Badge kissers. Fellas shouting the rules out loud to the ref so everyone can hear how much they know about the game. Lads calling players by their first names from row z of the stand etc and so on…


Thats class TBF. Lovely echo of it around the stadium.

I’d say they’ll be back with a vengeance when restrictions fully lift.

Time will tell.

Munster’s Rainbow Cup hopes ended after Benetton given Ospreys walkover (via @IrishTimes) Munster’s Rainbow Cup hopes ended after Benetton given Ospreys walkover

Dear oh dear

One minor correction, they are Laws of the game as every sheepskin coat wearing hip flask swigging jocko type will loudly inform you


Is the the IFSC pira/ Celtic supporters club you’re talking about?

You’d have thought the Rainbow Cup would have gone better for the united colours of Benetton.

Nice pun. Unfortunately the headline is completely factually incorrect. The Ospreys actually gave Benneton the walkover (which the article says tbf)

As a result Benneton won the Northern section of the rainbow cup (no I can’t follow it either) and now play a final against top SA side

Your joke therefore has fallen flat. The Rainbow Cup has been the most successful competition for Benneton