Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

O’Mahony is an awful prick.

Ireland rugby star Peter O’Mahony has made a video apologising to an under-15 rugby team and their parents for his choice of words in a brief pep talk to a rival team.

The Munster captain made a WhatsApp video wishing success to UL Bohemians players who were facing Garryowen in the North Munster U15 League Final last Sunday.

Although he spoke for just 11 seconds, his words included a derogatory description of the Garryowen players and remarks about his past feelings about the Limerick club.

The video was reported on Monday morning to the executive committee of Garryowen Football Club. They expressed “deep concern about the inappropriateness of the comments” and several meetings and telephone calls took place.

The Munster star, who captains his side in the European Champions Cup against Wasps in Coventry today, immediately apologised.

Audrey Coffey, chairperson of Garryowen’s under-age section, wrote a letter on Tuesday to the young players and their parents outlining O’Mahony’s apology.

She stated: “The president of Garryowen received a phone call from Peter O’Mahony in which he expressed his sincere remorse and apologies for the video and the effect that it has had on our U15s, their coaches, their parents, and the wider club. He undertook to do his part to try to redress that.

“Peter has made a second video, which was received this evening, in which he apologises for the first video

"This video will be shown to parents and players before training on Friday evening. In addition to the video, following discussion with the Garryowen president, Peter O’Mahony has also agreed to write to the club and meet the U15 players in person, in the near future.

“UL Bohemians have also been in contact and they have also apologised for the video… We hope these actions by Peter as an apology will bring this matter to its conclusion.”

She added that Garryowen’s standards have always included respect for opponents and “on this occasion, that standard was not met by others outside our club”.

Fiona Murphy, head of communications for Munster Rugby, said: “We understand the matter was concluded last week with Garryowen’s acknowledgement and acceptance of Peter’s direct apology and explanation to the club.

“As always, we are hugely grateful to all our clubs, players and volunteers for their ongoing effort and commitment to the game, so there is no issue there.”

Games gone


Abuse of children is totally unacceptable in any form. He should be embarrassed.


That is pitiful

It was a stupid video but that’s embarrassingly po-faced from Garryowen


Did Bohs beat them?

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Bit more focus on the eejits in your own camp. The omerta is strong with you

Agreed on both sides… POM no obvious connection to Bohs either

Nothing to look at here. It’s grand to sing sectarian songs about IRA terrorists in the dressing room after an All Ireland Final.


The sulkies are circling


I’m just curious about what sectarian songs are sung.

Did Bohs beat the cunts?

Vile, disgusting language to refer to 14 or 15 year old children in that manner.

Sad to see it condoned here too.

Really? Abusing children in rugby is OK because ‘Look over there it’s Tyrone…’?

Seems to be a bizarre enough stance.

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Any news from the limerick camp to report. Court updates etc? Have you the arm bands packed for the holidays

The Limerick team singing a song in the dressing room after the 2018 final about an IRA terrorist, anti-Semite and fascist thug.

The Munster rugby captain - who is meant to set good example and be a role model - abusing children is a shocking look.

Is that the values Munster rugby stands for?

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No sectarianism?

South was the founder of the Limerick branch of Maria Duce, a sinister, sectarian and anti-Semite outfit.

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Sean South?

A fascist and sectarian is correct