Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Lord save us this is awful shite


The ref speaking french to a German and Canadian prop . A fucking clown

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He loves the sound of his own voice

A Ponce . With limited french he sounds ridiculous

Did he say “bonjour castres” “bonjour castres” there around a ruck a few minutes ago?

Good this point, getting a bit pensive

Tried to play good rugby so have to be happy with that

Loughman is some eejit, shouldn’t be near it

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It’s scutter to look at.

I don’t think so. Lot of kicking this half but ball in hand a lot and playing with width.

A great day for the castrations

Crowley is nowhere near ready off tonight. Scannell going was huge, septic stuff

Get in there!


Casey and Coombes, the only two there the standard

Beirne has been immense!

Hodnetts carries in the tight are brilliant, he’s very hard to wrap arms around


Thank fuck

By Chrischt

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By god

-9 backers fucked in the ass

Munster dunged it out.