Munster Rugby - We DID start the fire (Part 1)

Until Munster sort out their front row they’ll win nothing it was a miracle they managed to stay in the match with a scrum on roller skates

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Not since he regaled us with his “just in the door from Sweden…” tale of following them to the Europa League final has there been a mention of united. They were dropped like a hot snot when the next thing came along

Agreed. You need 6 International front row players to win the comp and Munster have none


I think there was 1 more post since when they put a few results together under Solskjar but other than that not a peep. But shur lookit isn’t he right to stay away in case anyone says anything mean about his team.


Says the biggest Man U fan on the forum but who won’t admit it

Would the IRFU put pressure on Leinster to send down one of their hookers?


Stag fans are rattled. Bringing in your love of the liverpool against you.

A new meaning of Lunster

We’ll take Fifi from Ballyragget

I doubt it. Plenty game time for both of them in leinster

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Was it as good as it sounds?

:laughing: :laughing: ffs


It was if you were from Toulouse.

Not a requirement. Was a fantastic occasion inside ground irrespective of result


You can’t be saying thing things like that on here mate. The official TFK line is that you’re not allowed to enjoy supporting Munster. The Serious Highbrow Erudite and Edgey People (SHEEP) on the forum have all fully signed up to this view.

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There’s guys just arriving home now from Aviva stadium via New York and Shanghai.