Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2020

And yet ye consistently make it to semi finals. From a cork point of view desperately unlucky not to make the final in 2018. There was a long time when Limerick couldnā€™t buy a semi final appearance.

They wouldnā€™t have beaten Waterford in 99 if Frank Murphyā€™s pal Aodhan Mac Suibhne hadnā€™t of being the referee.

Cadogan does not but is incapable of playing anywhere but corner forward and the way the game is played now with sweepers etc does not suit his game.

Getting to semi finals and actually winning finals is like night and day.


I never saw that game . I was away in Greece that month . Did Mickey o Connell shoot the lights out ?

This is a good point.

If you look at Tipp & Limerick currently, they have a huge amount of players with skill sets & ability to play in various positions & make real impacts.

Players like Noel McGrath, Brendan Maher, Kyle Hayes & Declan Hannon. Those four can hold their own from Wing back up to Wing forward easily.

Add to that players who can interchange seamlessly and cause real problems for opposing defences.

A well thought out system can cause opposition defenders major headaches. Players like Niall Oā€™Meara & Seamus Flanagan are constantly on the move causing havoc to positional setups.

Specialist position players while important of course are mainly a necessity up the middle from FB, CB & FF IMO.
The ability to excel elsewhere is just as important in all other positions.

In years gone by a Niall O Meara or Will O Donoghue would never have been rated good enough stick men to make match day or actual squads in some Counties. But their all round attributes make them important cogs in the overall machine of work.


That is so true.

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He did.

Cadogan is a specialist Corner forward, that means he needs people to excel elsewhere to make him fully effective.

IMO Lehane while having a questionable attitude is different in that he can live from MF upwards in a team and provided he gets on enough ball be very dangerous.

Too many times Cadogan is either in a game or completely out of it.


The point is despite apparent weaknesses ye are consistently a top four team. There was nothing between ye and Limerick in 2018. I donā€™t think ye are as bad as you say and consistently making the top four is not a bad base. Iā€™m not sold on your point about players interchanging. Limerick donā€™t do that, roles are quite rightly defined. Cork can find a way to play to their strengths the same way other teams have.

Cork have no tinkers and we all know you need at least 2 to win the big one.

Its about balance and not just interchanging. The latter is just one component of balance.

You have nailed it there.

He is under-sized. Thatā€™s an issue that isnā€™t going to change - maybe his dubious position and decision-making will.

Cadogan has had far more of an impact than Lehane in a much shorter inter-county career. Iā€™d have Cadogan starting every day of the week; Lehane shouldnā€™t even be on the bench.

As an aside, sounds like weā€™ll see Connery and Oā€™Connor off the bench today.

To be honest Cadogan has played relatively little over the past number of years . He is a excellent hurler and has pace . He isnā€™t the reason cork havenā€™t won an all Ireland over the last few years.

I donā€™t get this. Lehane has a lot of goals in big games.

Horgan has struggled in equal amounts in big games as Lehane.

Lehane has that bit of swagger and a way about him that insecure bogger types canā€™t handle

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We must be thinking of two completely different players. When was the last time Lehane had a good game? Or, for that matter, when was the last time managed to dispossess an opposition player?

Lehane is headless, and heartlessā€¦ He comes up with some unreal moments but over the course of most games heā€™s simply not involved enough over 70 minsā€¦ You canā€™t carry a half forward like that in the modern game

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