Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Are you condoning the Management driven practice?

It’s a blight on the game.

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Give us the stats there.

Nicky heard something and tought it might have been one of his All Ireland medals falling out of his arse pocket.
If Stack had booked him he would have gotten up fairly lively but then Stack allowed Barrets bollox actin as well. The one that was really dangerous was the head contact on Byrnes. Happened in front of me. He should really have been taken off and assessed.
Tough game to ref. He didnt seem to be getting any help from the side line. Neither side could blame him. Limerick had a strike rate of 25/43 scoring chances. Tipp had 25/34.

All the teams are as bad as each other for diving, general shithousery, buying frees, hounding the refs and feigning injuries from what I can see.

It’s amusing enough because we used to always hear hurlers were too tough and manly to engage in that sort of thing.

The one thing that really annoys me is the ott celebrations after frees are won.



Don’t think Goal Keepers are acting the maggot like Quaid though.

Weve all been there

Any stats to back that up?

The diving thing was brought about by lads screeching on the Sunday Game about ‘zero tolerance’ for all manner of perceived crises over the past 20 years. It incentivises pretend injuries because referees are told to ignore their own judgement and not seek to interpret incidents. If there’s contact and a fella is rolling around on the ground the cards are supposed to come out. ‘Striking’ used to require some class of a backswing back in the day but now any nudge of the hurley at all qualifies for an instant ban.


You are 100 percent correct.

The neutrals know the score.

All we’re asking for is some kind of stat to back up your claim. Surely you have something?

Was there a RTÉ MOTM yesterday, or do they do it for such games?
I would have thought on Tipp side - Barrett, McCormack and perhaps Morris were the best players. For Limerick, Tom Morrissey was their best player. O’Neill was very good.

Noel McGrath got it.

Did he? He wouldn’t have been my pick. I was probably paying more attention to the Tipp players but Barrett or McCormack for me.


Flanagan is getting very good at these shoulders to the head and getting away with them.


I must be the only fella who thought he actually deserved it. Played a few unreal passes.

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Some of this stuff was absolutely magnificent. The ball for the Bowe pass in second half was sublime.

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He got it based on that sure

It was. He brought a lot of calmness to Tipp’s play when they needed it. A fella I thought was finished three years ago tbh. Very impressive