Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Yeah but us lads on the sideline would get to shout twice the abuse with 2 refs

Of course and that’s where the gate receipts will go from the round robin. So instead of one white elephants we’ll have two.

Mean while the great game dies out in large parts of the country and nothing seems to be done about it by croke park.

Gate receipts go the central munster branch

They won’t go directly but that’s where it’ll end up. The befits of the large crowds will be only to build new stadiums.

I guess with so many more games you need much better facilities but it just seems a waste of money at times.

Thurles is an excellent location for a lot of counties tbf.

Clare had no problem playing in PUC v Tipp in late 90’s early 00’s.

It’s a trek but it’s a Munster Final.

They’re happy to be in it

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After watching it I thought Owens did ok yesterday. I wouldn’t be a fan of his by any means.

While I take your point, I think that’s a bit of an overreaction. Whatever about Thurles needing an overhaul, it would have nothing to do with bringing it to Cork this year. All the smart money was on a Tipp v Clare Munster final which was more than likely pencilled in for Cork. They are just as entitled to bid for it despite the change

I don’t think it’s an over-reaction at all

Tipp council have been hesitant in doing renovations anyway for fear of it missing out on ‘big matches’ and that becoming a longer-term issue then

I think they need to commit to the changes now

I’m enjoying bubbles on the circuit at the minute. He’s popping up on a few places


My point is that if Cork chosen over Thurles, it will have nothing to do with Thurles needing a revamp.

Cork agreed at meeting

Thurles an accident waiting to happen in its current ramshackle state with a big crowd in. Sensible choice going for Cork.

Thurles is in a very bad state.



Text immediately


I already have my order in

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They probably need to bulldoze it at this stage and start again.

I’m amazed Thurles got away for so long with no disaster under the Old Stand down by the Kilinan End.

Now is the time to do something about it, but I’m not sure the will is there to do a proper job on it.

The New Stand is Ok but the Terraces could do with a makeover too.

Like I said a few weeks ago, they are constrained by a private residence at the back of the corner of the Old Stand and Killinan End. Further enquiries have told me that this is owned by gentry, horsey set types who would not be too bothered about doing business.

They need to sort out the womens jacks situation anyway. Twas madness there last weekend.

I agree and know its not simple but my God, how there hasnt been a crush there is a miracle.

Surely some smart engineer could think up of something.