Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

How is it dishonest?

Because you claim you are correct when all the evidence is against you

Maybe instead of replying again give your freeze framing a go

Glas is the biggest liar on the forum so?

What evidence? Aside from the pick up, I’m convinced the evidence backed up my point of view. Gillane is fouled long before he grabs a hurley. Will hand passes the ball legally (whilst being fouled, might I add).

Cork got 13 points from frees, Limerick got 2. The ref gave ye phantom free after phantom free.

Now fuck off calling me dishonest


O’Donoghue was in front of him, in what way was Gillane being fouled?
Doesn’t sound like an honest assessment to me

I guess I’ll have to live with that.

Are you going to respond,
How was he being fouled long before he played the hurley, O’Donoghue is in front of him focussing on the ball

Respond to my points, for a change

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Watched it there on the player. Referee got that one wrong.

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Like what?
You said Canning was wrong on everything,
I’ll respond to anything you want

But you said that Gillane was being fouled before he caught the ball for the first goal, what was the foul?

Don’t bother. Just call people liars

You said you were certain that he didn’t play the hurley, you are certain it was a legal hand pass

I don’t get it :man_shrugging:

I don’t suppose I’m getting an answer now

The freeze frame analysis provided by @Thomas_Brady Is conclusive. Gillane was fouled


That’s the penalty, I’m not debating that now

It doesn’t suit the narrative though

What narrative?
That’s not even what the conversation is about :grinning:

Any freeze frames of these incidents?

It looked like he played the hurley there in the instant replay. Breach of rule 5.14 and/or 5.15. It’s a free that’s rarely given in fairness.

Have you no kids to teach?

The narrative that Cork were robbed by the ref after he giving them 10 points more

Oh and that anyone that doesn’t see it that way isn’t just wrong, but a liar

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