Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Text that on to Joe will ya for fuck sake and ask for an apology

I did. Still waiting…

If refs starting pinging those types of situations Limerick will be left with about 7 players on the field in the Munster final.

Truth of it is the ref didn’t see gillane grab his Hurley because if he did he’d have given a free out.

You take these calls when you get them.

The great Tom Brady was on podcast post the superbowl this year and he said it’s only losers who blame the refs.

Every player on the field makes mistakes. You have to accept within reason the ref will get calls wrong in these games.

It’s meant to be the greatest Munster hurling championship of all time. I hilariously read Nicky English say it was the best game of hurling he ever saw on Sunday yet all anybody can talk about is a few mistakes by the ref.

Cork missed an open goal. That’s what cost them. Not the ref.

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A full hour of a Corkman in serious bother, and no one came to help, holy fuck lads, where was the klaxon?

They start pinging it consistently, they’ll stop doing it.

It’s inconsistency in the decisions that drives everyone demented.

Shur, only few mins either earlier or later than this example, he pinged Gillane for holding the opponent’s hurley so it’s not like.the rule was far from ref’s thoughts. To that point SOD had been climbing all over Gillane and got away with it.

Have to take the rough with the smooth.

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That sort of Grappling is massive in hurling now alright. Couple of yellows might sort it some bit. I suspect it’ll become a huge issue in the media soon enough.

There was a big hehaw about Limerick players throwing the ball a few weeks and hilariously enough a Tipp lad gets pinged for a perfect hand pass when putting his man through on goal.

The refs have a near on impossible job.

100% penalty & that frame perfectly illustrates the infraction. The referee has to be commended.

These things even themselves out.

Peter Duggan nearly cut WODs head off for his goal against Limerick and the Limerick lads just got on with it…

Like tampon head @carryharry last week, some of the Corks are crying 48 hours after the event.



It’s also sad one of the most iconic scores in the history of this Limerick side isn’t being talked about enough.

Diarmuid Byrnes is great example to any young person and a complete legend around patrickswell. A player who everyone looks upto and respects. Him racing up the field to absolutely bury it in the top corner was absolutely iconic.

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Yeah but I’ve a feeling “some” of the lads here can’t hold the hurley the right, nevermind played the actual game.


I’m not sure how more concrete and conclusive you can get. Gillane is playing the ball. SOD is fouling Gillane. Case closed.

The bare faced neck on these anti-Limerick apes is unbelievable. Fuckin bunch of Williamites. We’ve seen them off before and we’ll see them off again.


Not needed for the small fry

That freeze frame photo looks worse than actually was the case. Look at it from the front as shown on The Sunday Game.

If you’re giving penalties for that arm than any high dropping ball should be an automatic penalty.

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I have no problem with the penalty.
Never did, it’s very difficult to see what’s happening there, and it’s quite possible Gillane was being fouled

The Limericks would want to give over the victimising Hegarty on the pitch as well. He had his hands all over Downey before a ball was pucked between them numerous times. If you’re going to give it, take the punishment when it arrives too.

In no way am I condoning some of teb other stuff Hegarty has had to put up with off the field btw.

OK, let me get this straight…within seconds of each other on the same play…

SODS foul on Gillane = Okay!
Gillane’s subsequent foul on SOD = Not okay!

Can you see?

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All the teams are as bad for the various forms of fuck acting. Limerick get called out on it a lot more in the media simply because we were winning the all Ireland. It was the same with Kilkenny and Dublin in football.

@Batigol wants to comment that Joe Canning is completely wrong in the 4 incidents he highlighted and not be challenged, you’d have to say that thelimericks are very thinskinned.

Thats not entirely accurate. His issue was with you calling him dishonest

You can be certain in your interpretation of an event. You accept Joe Cannings certainy but not Batigols even though you say nobody can be certain.

You’ve gone a bit skew whiff over this. Why does it matter so much to you whethet or not someone thinks Joe Canning is talking shit ?