Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Thats an argument for another day but this Limerick team aren’t half what they are made out to be.

If you dont jump straight in to tackle them, (they want you to jump in and engage in contact and then they will either break past you or win a free) instead using quick footwork to shadow/mirror their movements, you make them make the decision and a lot of the time they run out of ideas very quickly. Waterford’s footwork in terms of shadowing is excellent though so maybe not everyone can do that.

It will be argued today was a real off day for Limerick but they fell over the line in at least 3 games last year too.

The problem is too many teams overthink everything when playing them and cost themselves about 7 or 8 points when doing it.

Waterford only have themselves to blame for ducking that away. Limerick were trampish throughout though. The Limerick ‘fans’ are something else.

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No head injuries in the GAA kid whisht

secret smell GIF

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There are 5 really nasty lads on that Limerick team. Repeat offenders.

One game bans here and there for Round Robin games are not much incentive to behave themselves.

It was meant in jest but unfortunately didn’t get the likes it deserved.
It got none actually…

Sure any top team in any sport has the same. You need that edge.


Absolutely. Waterford were very poor at the basics today. Touch, and composure was non existent at the back, decision making and striking way off the levels required.

The goal Limerick scored. At least 4 Waterford players went on their holes before it was tapped home. Junior stuff.

Some horrendous wides when the game was in the melting pot. The two Fitz’s (No.23 and 24 Patrick) hit terrible wides in quick succession that killed the momentum.
The red card was a factor in Waterfords competitiveness because 0-19 won’t win many games at this level.

The game completely changed after hannon went off.


Touch (Dunford and Lyons in particular) and shooting (Montgomery and Hutchinson in particular) were terrible. The amount of times in the first half we did the hard work of winning primary possession and then ducked it away with poor touch was heartbreaking.

Having said all that Hannon going off severely weakened Limerick.

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I get that but these lads are on another level.

The Dublin Footballers were hard and engaged in plenty shithousery but rarely crossed the line as frequently or as spectacularly as this current crop from Limerick.

Limerick had only scored 1-12 at the point of the sending off so I’m not sure what your point is.

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I thought Casey was fine when he came on but their structure and organisation wasnt the same.

Kiely didnt really trust his bench either. Barely made a sub until 60 minutes and even then only used two more.

In fact Limerick got the next 4 points after the sending off.

Ah I’d say they’d have pulled away and won by 7 or 8 if they had the full compliment for 70 mins. Although really they should have been down to 13 at that stage following the Sham Flan challenge in the first-half.

Was the Limerick penalty a square ball? Didn’t have prime view of it where I was sitting, but my instincts was it looked borderline.

There is no evidence to suggest they would and I would think the “row” really broke Waterfords momentum and gave Limerick a chance to regroup. My own view was that if it hadn’t of happened Waterford would probably have won.

Is the rule not changed now?

This is fucking brilliant, comedy gold! :clap::clap::clap::clap: