Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Lyons, de Burca and Prunty blazing in wides in the first half. In a row too I think?

We have a great nac of getting the lower percentage shooters on the ball for shots.

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Watching Davy Fitz managed Wexford teams flatter to deceive in such circumstances for 5 seasons is probably clouding my judgement there a bit alright. Felt like a huge opportunity when Hego saw red with only 2 points between the teams.

It really was a comedy of errors.
Any one of five should have cleared it.

The backs were dog shit and all over the shop at that stage:
They steadied up when up when Tadhg went off:

What was wrong with Hannon, anyone?

Tom Barron had a fine game

He was badly at fault for Hegos goal chance just after he came on but then bossed Hego which is probably why Hego got so frustrated that he got himself sent off.

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I don’t think so.

Two clear square balls not given today.
Gillane camped inside both times.

It changed in football?

I speculated ages ago that we could manage the loss of Lynch better than we could manage the loss of Hannon.

Lynch looked a shadow of himself today when being man marked for the 70 minutes. Also there were hardly any “rucks” which he excels in.

He’s missed a lot of time, he’ll be fine.

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You’d hope so.

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The crumb chasing here is unreal this evening. Long may it continue, I remember well the days when we’d find crumbs to convince us the next day would be our day, now we’ve lads of all counties picking crumbs from our wins :rofl:


Very confident Cork will beat Tipp. Big time have the legs on the Tipp backs.

Hard to know but it’s different in game losing a player as opposed to starting without them.

Similar enough to the Galway game
Last year where we built up a tidy lead and could easily have the game done and dusted but just completely stop hurling after twenty or so minutes.

We don’t score many goals either and it’s hard to keep winning games by scoring so many points.

I was sitting beside MacDara from GAA Beo at the match today. He didn’t utter a single word as Gaeilge. :man_shrugging:t5::man_shrugging:t5:

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Not sure any of the other Munster counties would take on Limerick in the same way as Waterford. I suspect each of them would think they have a chance of beating Limerick in a shootout rather than getting into the trenches with them.

You’d feel a bit weird talking Irish unless your company was very comfortable in the language, it’s a big turn off

Yeah I agree, that each of the others would probably take us on more. Davy had Waterford set up to stay in the game, take it to the trenches as you say and it very very nearly worked.