Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

His pace is good and he can take a few frees.
I thought he was holding his own anyway…

In the league maybe. To be honest I wouldn’t have expected him to get the call. Never thought he would have the legs.

Make of it what you will but JP was in Dublin last night.

Flanagan has been cleared today.


He might yet improve in the way that Reidy did.

Maybe but I would always have rated Reidy very highly, his all-round game is very good. Good in the air, good on the ground, good touch, very clever movement, nice burst of pace over a short distance. Maybe used to be a bit light and got thrown around the place.

Houla is a great striker of the ball and he tries his best but doesn’t really stand out in other areas. And it’s probably the hardest line to break into and also to play in.

Limerick are as good as out without Deccie

Ye’ll be burned out before May lads.

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We better start building for 2024.

What he said was Hawkeye is different in Thurlds than it is in Croke Park, he said it was more of a manual system in Thurles. Now I doubt very much it was a couple of lads from Clerihan looking at replays of the shot, more of a less automated system I would be guessing. The fact it takes so much longer in Thurles than Croke Park would you you an indication that there’s a few buttons and levers to be actioned to get a Hawkeye decision down there


It just takes longer to generate the image because the two stands are completely different.

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When he said there would be some fellas down checking the video was he joking? Didn’t appear to be :man_shrugging:

They had tiny sensors in the engines of the Saturn V rockets 60 years ago that sent information thousands of miles back to earth with positional information that was exact. Surely to christ they can come up with something more definite and exact in GAA 2023


Brendan is from Ardfinnan, you could tell him anything


In tennis they track every shot so the images are constantly being produced. There produced quicker for the public because by the time a player has challenged A shot the image is nearly created.

That doesn’t happen in the gaa.

Pretend Hawkeye?

Whoever was on commentary on Live95 called first Hawkeye effort for Limerick ( Gillane I think ) wide in commentary and was taken aback the score stood :man_shrugging:

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There is no need for umpires to call for hawkeye.

if they are wrong Hawkeye will correct the decision anyway.if umpires don’t know they should just call a wide or point.hawkeye looks at every shot on goal anyway.this would speed thing up massively in my opinion.

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