Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Leave it so; Hogan had a running start of 20 yards FFS. Either way, Jackie is calling for different punishments for the same tackle

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Somebody will need to take Buff Egan out also.

Lined him up so he did.

Flanagan’s was dangerous but it happened im milliseconds… I don’t think he was necessarily going for his head in real time but that’s where he caught him . It’s a yellow+ but not sure it’s a suspension. Mistimed for sure.

no need for the KK lads to do anything, ye’ll do that yereselves.

He’s already wounded, it won’t take much

Like what? A couple of mistimed tackles?

Bed wetting is now part of the hurling psyche it seems.

Be quiet let ye now. Ballbag won’t be happy with you shooting your mouth off without his permission.

Absolute nonsense

Are you serious? :laughing:

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After 2019, Limerick could have gone the same way as the other wan in a row merchants Galway, Clare and Tipp. Lads are sickened they carved out a dynasty.


Fire up the stats there.

Limerick commit a lot more red card worthy offences than any other team

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Limerick are not a dirty team overall but they basically have 4 or 5 “tramps” who take it in turns committing red card offences.

I put tramps in inverted commas as a few of them could be sound off the field.

Fire up the stats there

They go around lamping lads in the league and round robin for the craic. They didn’t even get a yellow card in the knock out stages last year


No that can’t be. With four or five tramps?

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Who are the five?

What stats? Gillane and Hegarty especially and to a lesser extent Flanagan, Hayes and O’Donoghue have all committed red card offences for stupid shit in recent times. No other team has anywhere near as many

Get the lamping out of the way early in the season.

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Id say he’s comfortable with his 9 Celtic Crosses