Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

No need. The rocks of bawn are working on it.

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Will ye won’t stop us anyway! We’ve been bullying ye since 2018. A bunch of young fellas throwing ye around like rag dolls.


Is it fair to say that we’re no longer you’re second favourite team?

Even @balbec is on tilt now. Collective paranoia is really something to behold

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I just popped in for a quick look. We don’t do paranoia sure we’re zen now after all we’ve won over the past five years. Meanwhile there are poor fuckers on here seething about Limerick for the last three days. They need to take a break and save their bile for next weekend. Can’t have them burning out.

Zen? Two replies to the same fella inside a minute would say otherwise.

Your standards are slipping

Ah shtap

Is that really only a yellow in hurling? Regardless of intent that’s a straight red in rubby


No, ye’re still no.2. Shur I love a bit of hatcheting.
And personally, I think the more Limerick can win the better. It’s a shot in the arm for all counties outside the traditional three.

Jackie’s challenge on Seamie in 09 final, a couple of minutes in, certainly warranted a card.


He’s not that kind of player

I would think to achieve dominance in hurling (as Limerick have), you probably need to have a certain bit of dirt in you (Kilkenny had it too). You need to want to win at all costs. Sometimes you get away with (e.g. Gillane and Flanagan '21 Munster Final), other times you don’t. They’ll be fine without Flanagan for a game.

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He was dirty as fuck pal. He was well able to dish it out.

What a thread… Utterly fascinating.

3 days of the non Limericks crying.

Tyrrell and Eddie Brennan are the new Messiahs.

We have polls running to see if Limerick are a dirty team.

The Galways, Corks and Tippos are now all besties.

JP hasn’t been mentioned in a week :person_shrugging:t2:



It is also worth noting that about three (minutes) after the Bennett ‘tackle’, Flanagan put in another red card hit on Prunty but thankfully Prunty is built like a wall and it didnt knock a feather out of him.

Didn’t he hit some poor Limerick lad a right dunt at the start of 07 final?

He did. A young Seamus Hickey got busted up, but shur :person_shrugging:t2:.

The only people not whinging are the Waterford lads. My respect for them has increased tenfold.

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A great bunch of lads