Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

I’d have savage respect for the way the pundits are trying to protect our game from it turning into Limerick thugball.

Savage respect.

John Mullane loves us and we love John Mullane.

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That was just manliness.

Savage respect.

If you’re not in the Gaelic Grounds Saturday evening you’re at nothing. There’s a minibus of Cork fans heading up from Douglas… It’s gonna be savage.



We loves John Mullane


Will be behind in the kingdom with a good limerick man watching it. But thanks pal



You’ll regret that.

I’ll sort you out when i get home… Sort you out good and proper.

You’ll mistime a hug.

The first major flashpoint of the John Kiely era was probably in Ennis back in 2018 when Tom Condon gave Reidy the butt of a hurl. One of the rare occasions where Limerick ill-discipline actually cost them over the past few years.

From Seamus Flanagans new clothing line out today.


The time from when Flanagan moves from behind Prunty and hits Bennett is about half a second.

When Flanagan moves towards Bennett, Bennett’s head is up above Flanagan’s shoulder and at no time does Flanagan’s foot leave the ground and jump up towards Bennett’s head… you can see it clearly below, Flanagan is less than a foot from him and is closing in to hit him - Bennet’s head held high.

what we get milliseconds later when Flanagan is almost touching him , Bennett begins to dip his head forward. Flanagan is all in at this stage.

Nano seconds later Bennett has fully dipped his head and the incoming Flanagan hits him.

If you guys want to use ultra slow slow motion to nail the guy at least get the facts right. There’s no doubt that Flanagan sees him open and is going in to hit him a dunt, but from the half second from when he decides to dunt him, you can see Bennet’s head is up and no where near where Flanagan is heading… but he dips his head and Seamie regrettably catches him on the head. Very unfortunate but certainly not worthy of a red.


He has to go

Vindication at last.
Some of ye cunts owe Saint Flanagan a sincere apology


It’s a red regardless of the intent. By the way I think even if he “only” catches him in the chest rather than his head it should still be a red. It’s a real cheap shot when the ball is gone and the player is open and defenceless


It’s really helpful to get the freeze-frame analyst’s view, especially when he’s never set foot inside a field let alone thrown a showlder at a lad


It’s hurling we play not Croquet.

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You’re not allowed shoulder someone in the head or chest in either hurling or croquet as far as I know