Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2023 (Part 1)

Was that when he was passing the change to a fella in the pub?

A great day for Timmy ‘he shakes, he bakes’ McCarthy.


It’s clear as day you’ve never faced a puck out :joy:

Gillane hit someone in Cork the same year.

There is a real nasty side to the 5 players @the_man_himself mentioned earlier. The Dublin Footballers and Kilkenny hurlers both had a few “pups” playing for them but no one nearly as unlikeable as this bunch from Limerick.

Had the “hall of famers” many nasty individuals? There were a fair few criminals and deviants on that team weren’t there?


Likeable :rollseyes:

Barrett had his troubles when he was younger but has matured. On the field though i don’t think he ever went to ‘do’ anyone.

Gleeson had off field issues and was punished accordingly by a court of the land.

The same can’t be said of the Limerick’s who are getting worse with age and are accountable to no one, not even the law.

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Long may it continue.

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You’ve missed a few.

Lar watering down the vodka is worse than anything the Limerick lads have done on or off the field.


Stephen lucey. But of the hurl thru the visor


On the field Tipp always played the ball and never targeted opposition players trying to seriously injure them. There was never thuggery from that team.

Off the field theres been some horseplay but nothing nearly as bad as the Limerick’s.

Retracted. Bit on the extreme side

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That’s not true, but you know that.






That first picture is John O’Brien and not Benny Dunne.


I doubt they even know that. :grinning:

Talk about clutching at straws

Settle young man. You’ll give yourself a migrane. Ye showed yere colours in Carrick a few weeks ago. Deflection doesn’t work anymore

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Who are the deviants?

I’m surprised nobody has alluded to Paudie Mahers hit on Michael Rice. That was a nasty one. In general that Tipp team relied on their wristy hurling rather than physicality though. A joy to watch in full flow.

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