Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024…part 2

Derek needs to get a few literary references into every article to show that he’s intelligent as he’s obviously worried in case people think that he isn’t just because he looks like a stupid bastard.

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That and single-handedly fucking up Waterfords best chance at an AI with his fuckology.


Who built the team and got them to the AI?

He did.

His in game management was abysmal. His inability to change tactics or formations led to numerous hidings and losing a very winnable AI title.

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They possibly could have won it. They were up against a very good Galway team who had been involved in the best matches of the recent years and been a whisker away from the eventually winners and really should have had one won before then. Galway were expected to win and were the better team.


With the schools on holidays he has to keep the eye in with references to obscure 18th century English poets.

Derek fucked it away

Ok pal, sure he did.

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Derek leading Doon to the Limerick County Championship is going to be the feel good story of 2024.


Lay off the Tesco honey

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Spec savers bro. You’re entitled to look after your eyes.

Stars are aligning for Doon. Look to be coming into a season with their best players fit, Adam English coming of age, top manager, Na P weakened through injury.

I totally agree with you.

It’s hilarious. Listing folk who’ve criticised the sweeper & putting the players they’ve subsequently played as sweeper in brackets beside their name…that’s a different level of insecurity.


He records all their names and pastes the articles into a scrapbook

Id say Fionn found that hugely helpful.

You’ll have to use it with Hopper

Id say about halfway through that sentence hopper would have gone for a shite

Poor fucking Fionn.

Derek must have been in the red zone the time he made the „contenders” speech.