Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Tadgh O’Connor was still there in the early 80’s

When I see lads reminiscing about U12 matches I knew we broke them.

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At another time this is exactly the game Id head to. They’ll leather one another

Limerick never feared Tipp

This is the issue.

If the rule can’t be implemented easily then maybe it should be scrapped.

The game is constantly evolving and would evolve without the handpass imo.

If you look at underage hurling it’s used very little and doesn’t impact on the spectacle for me.

Have you considered that the refs think that they are legal handpasses?

Because the vast vast majority of them are. Pretty much every time there is a throw blown by the ref, the Sunday Game do an analysis on it and it turns out they are legal handpasses. Obviously the ref can say he was justified that it wasn’t a clear striking action, fair enough. But then I would take it that they are happy most of the time.

Again, I agree that tweaking the handpass rule is probably no harm and may lead to a better spectacle. As carryharry says above, it’s difficult to police at the best of times. And I think the fact that they even trialled a different rule this year is probably a good thing.

But that’s the angle that those who want change should be proposing. That it will lead to more enjoyable matches. Just whining that everyone is throwing the ball, especially when it’s not true, won’t lead to any change.

Its probably worth a trial. You would imagine it would lead to less rucks and more 50/50 contests for possession which is all good. Downside is probably less goal chances created as handpasses are often used here. The Brick flick would become an essential skill which is not a bad thing either

The handpass is fine so long as it is enforced properly. Hurling was grand for 100 years until lads started to take the piss.

Just blow for 50 frees a game for a season or two until fellas get the message.

The steps rule is another joke. You can take 10 steps so long as you look like you know what you are doing, but take two steps showing hesitation and you’ll be blown straight away.


:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. Funny cos it’s true.

I disagree on the handpass. Hurling has become a complete possession game and is a poorer spectacle for it. More wan on wan contests for possession would improve things i feel.

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Its a fair point. The helter scelter is limited and the game can be robotic. Lots of other wonderful skills but patterns are predictable.

The end of the Antrim v Wexford game and Clare V Cork games brought excitement as things went nuts. In tight games with time running out the patterns get frayed and torn and the pace increases.

Meanwhile Tipp gave Limerick the freedom of the beach to land balls as they liked and carve them open.

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You’d take multiple All Ireland medal winners for your club in a heartbeat?

Well according to some posters on here some of the Limerick lads can’t hurl.

Where was that said?

I’d say he’d find a place for them on a Club team.

Every hand pass should have a clear point of separation like they had up until about 7 or 8 years ago.

This slow motion replay nonsense peddled out by spoofers like Derek and Donal Og is complete cuntology.

The only solution is to allow the throw or go with a rule change as the current game is a waste of time.

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When was the last time one of the Limerick’s put in an absolute Tour De France in a really big game at Club level the same way Tony Kelly, TJ Reid, Brendan Maher, David Burke, Joe Canning and many many more often did for their clubs?

You’d never really see any of them pick their club team up on their back in adversity and carry them the way a Conor Glass did for Glen in Football this year for example.

The Limerick’s are grand in Kinnerk’s mathematical equation system but when you see 4 or 5 of them starting for Na Piarsaigh together in recent times or 3 of them for Patrickswell, they don’t look half as good.

The Limericks wont like this I know.


youre not elected charlie brown yawn GIF by Peanuts


We don’t seem to have a clue what we are doing just buckled me. You can feel the despair​:rofl::rofl:

Animated GIF

The only solution to what? How vexed you are? It’s been pointed out to you that the vast majority of what you’re complaining about are legitimate handpasses. You want them to change the rules of the sport for what is apparently a you problem.