Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

They are not legitimate hand passes.

The solution is to therefore allow an underhand throw instead of the current hand pass or else only hand pass off the Hurley/switch hands.

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You say they’re not but as has been pointed out to you, when reviewed on the Sunday game more are. Your argument isn’t supported by any evidence. This is a you problem. I don’t think anyone would mind if therer had to be clearer separation or something, but it would make no difference to the game or how it’s played.

Tom Morrisey is supposed to be very good for Ahane in fairness to him.

It would make a huge difference to how the game is played.

Anyone who has ever played or coached at any level of the game knows that an underhand throw is at least twice as quick and accurate than a legitimate hand pass thus there is twice the probability of retaining possession.

Go down to your local club and do any hand passing drill, once you make the young lads properly hand pass the amount of dropped balls increases exponentially.

Can I just once again finish by saying Limerick still have the best players and would win anyway.

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Are you sure you know what a proper handpass is?

People used to lose the plot over Eoin Kelly’s lifting style when taking a free and it turned out to be perfectly legal

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Ah ffs, go easy on the chap :joy:

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Did you genuinely just refer to your young lads down the club dropping balls in a handpass drill as some sort of a point somehow relevant to elite county level hurlers? How do the young lads get on at shooting on the run from 60 yards, that must be fake so is it? :smiley:

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It’s simple statistics.

Inter county hurlers will underhand throw a ball accurately 98% of the time when under pressure. This is also done at a quicker pace ,more accuracy and cannot be intercepted at the hand stage of the movement.

When they have to do a proper handpass this is reduced to 90%, also the opposition team has an exponentially greater chance of intercepting the ball at the hand or whilst it’s in the air.

Kinnerk et al has done this mathematical equation and has concluded throwing is an infinitely superior approach. Other counties have copied this especially the Corkies and Clare’s of this world.

The game is played at such a pace that every split second makes a difference, As Al Pacino once said one half a step too short or long, you don’t quite make it.


Lot of lads getting badly exposed here.


Did you base these statistics on your own comprehensive study of your under twelves?

Have you the raw data to hand?

Would ya stop… Blaming Kinnerk for everything :joy:

Kilkenny were ‘throwing’ long before the rest. They were rucking in packs, they were retreating in numbers, spare arm tackles…

Everything you’re moaning about was done by Kilkenny under Cody but you’ll say nothing because the ‘big 3’ bla bla bla… But because little old Limerick dared to go out and win the tippos are throwing a strop. How very dare they.


You don’t need raw data to know this, you’re betting badly exposed here.

Kilkenny definitely brought ugly facets to the game including the use of the spare tackle and some of their physicality would have to be questioned.

Bringing players back the field is not something I necessarily would be against, it’s the fact that limerick illegally move the ball back up the field using steps and throws.

On KK hand passing, Kilkenny have always been the best natural proper hand passers in the game, it must come from the fact that many have a background in hand ball.

Ah sure it would be impossible for a referee to police that.

I wonder what the consensus was when they ditched the handpassed score in hurling in the early 80’s? WOD would’ve been a great full-forward on the square in those days. No stickmen need apply.

The 3 lads you named there are all from Limerick?

Yes indeed, it’s me that is being badly exposed here alright.

I don’t know if the handpassing going on these days is legal or not, but I’m not the biggest fan of it regardless. That’s just my personal taste in relation to hurling. I think it’s fine in moderation but I wouldn’t be a fan of it used as much as it is today. My auld lad would be a bit of a dinosaur at times, and we’d have arguments about short puck outs - he’s completely against them and reckons every half forward worth their salt should be able to win their own ball or at the very least pull on it in the air (don’t be worrying about the back’s hands ffs). I constantly have to remind him we’re in a different era to his heyday, and perhaps I need to take that advice myself now. I appreciate the game has changed and I think the hurlers today (especially Limerick) are very skillful. But all this hand passing is not pure hurling, whatever the fuck that is. It doesn’t excite me as much as seeing a fella pulling on the ground and the ball going thirty or forty yards up the field, but all that stuff is probably being coached out of fellas now.



You are an extremely balanced and reasoned poster and that post is once more. Would you ever be capable of getting a few more of your county men to see the light? :joy: