Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

They might just win in Ennis too.

This is exactly what’s wrong with the rubby league style game we currently have.
There’s no player safety with these reckless tackles that Duignan and the media champion.

Not sure if it was shown on TV but Cahill’s ‘celebration’ at the end was a bit embarrassing.

Tipp support was good though.

Waterford are shite lads. Tipp were 5 or 6 points a better team. Definitely on the balance of play. Every time Tipp were in ascendancy Owens balanced the books with bizarre “refereeing” decisions. Too many to mention. Almost all favouring Waterford. Clare will beat them with their caps 2 weeks time by 10 points. We are shite too but at least showed some character. Young lads that came in made a difference in the end. Delighted for Kenneally.

Still wide open. I think Waterford will stay on 3 points. They will maintain a healthy score advantage though after Tipps no show in the Gaelic grounds. Tipp need 2 home wins. Hard to see it although the run of fixtures mean Tipp will know its in their own hands after next slate of fixtures. Cork players could be booking flights to Boston and New York should they lose next week. However I wouldnt put it past them to beat Limerick. If they do it would definitely throw the cat anongst the pigeons.

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To be fair he acknowledged it in the interview after, was just happy to get something out of the game.

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I wouldn’t even call that a tackle, a red card was deservedly given. I’m no fan of Duignan but I’m pretty sure he would agree that was a clear red also.

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I’m no fan of Tipp but Owens reffing towards them the 1st half especially was nothing short of disgraceful, was talking to the oul lad earlier and twas the 1st thing he brought up.


I thought Tipp were the better team for the first 45 minutes and at the time of Waterford’s third goal they were on the ropes and looking to be running out of ideas. It was a terrible goal for Tipp to concede. Junior B stuff.

Waterford were the better team from that point on though and probably should have seen it out.

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Era we’re well used to it at this stage. Theres always bullshit cliches that get rolled out that things balance out and other banalities but the cunt rode us roughshod. To get a draw was a fucking minor miracle. Imagine… Training in the depths of winter, breaking your bolloxs on waterlogged pitches and turning up on the big day to be have your fate decided by that clown. It would boil your piss thinking about it.


I hear you, he’s a shite ref in general but that took the biscuit this evening.

I dont think you need to narrow it down to certain windows where one team were on top or the other. Tipp won most of the exchanges and battles. They were clearly the better team. Not easy when you have a -3 deficit to bridge for a phanton penalty and a much more egregious and clear cut one denied at the other end. Blindsiding goalkeeper then. A complete clusterfuck. Any other referee including the worst of what Johnny Murphy and Sean Cleere have to offer and we would have won that game.

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The third goal changed everything in my view. Tipp were two clear and it wasnt even a free i dont think. Tipp only needed one or two more points and Waterford were done for.

It was schoolboy defending. To be fair Waterford were the better team after that. Lyons x2 were very good, Barron became busier and De Burca came into it.

Owens was obviously useless but that’s to be expected. What’s the alternative, Johnny Murphy?

As bad as Owens was for Tipp the free at the end was complete joke. TDB clearly stood off him with his hands out and Tynan just threw himself to the ground anyway.

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Even giving a yellow to Kevin Mahoney (not sure how he’s getting a place on the Waterford 26, let alone 15) for the off the ball body check for the Prendergast goal was very odd. How can you allow play to continue for the goal, but give the yellow card? In comparison, Owens last week blew for a free for the SOD hit off the ball, in addition to issuing the yellow card.

I felt Tipp were consistently on the end of the big calls for the first 50 minutes. The goal looked to be a square ball, and Tynan got a very soft free at the end. However, those calls were the very least Tipp deserved.

For the first 20/25 minutes, Owens seemed to have his right arm up for most of the play. He wanted to blow for everything.

Yet he was also lenient. I’d say there were about 6 or 7 lads on the pitch there tonight lucky not to not have received a yellow card. He was the total opposite last week, handing out yellows like sweets in what was a less physical game.


He’s just terrible and should never get another game of this magnitude again.
The overall standard of reffing has gone to the dogs but Owens is a disgrace.

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I think Clare will hammer Waterford.

Like their U20’s today its a fixture that just doesnt suit them. Do they ever win up there.

What is it a 3 hour trip on a bus?

See Galway going down to Wexford today. Its something i dont think gets factored in enough is travel.

So it will come down to what Limerick have to play for on the last day. They could be playing a second string side.

@Kyle , presume this is your still that is being shared on the INTERNET.

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Didnt tipp give away a free for throwing in the second half?

Laois went down to Kerry today and walked all over the cunts

If they win in Ennis, they won’t need to beat Limerick