Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Looking at the bench, it is all a much of a muchness. TOC has been shafted a decent bit alright.

RoF after doing his hamstring again btw.

Peter Duggan has had plenty of success against Limerick too. Those lads are all atypical forwards

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Coleman will probably become the spare man/third midfielder at the end of the Horgan/Harnedy era and do very well. I’d say he isn’t at 100% this season. Maybe even a floatingbetween lines that Peter Casey plays for Limerick. Lovely player.

Didn’t look right at all this year

I think Cork will do it by 3/4 points.

Duggan before he went to Oz was going unbelievably. He is an unconventional kind of hurler but has a beautiful first touch at times. Always brings it alright.

Nah fuck him, he’s had enough of a go. He comes on against Clare and the first thing he does is foul Duggan and give them a handy free. Doesn’t really matter who is on Gillane, if the ball is good he’ll beat anyone back there.

What the Jaysis are you basing that on?

There needs to be consequences for the silly mistakes for sure. Cork need a JBM style reset. Throw in the young lads. Might get it in the last game. The Cork crowd are looking at these same lads for years; they will go mad for new blood. The time to do it was this Saturday night. Nothing to lose.

They will score so heavily in those purple patches some time they get that they can’t but win some day soon. Especially if they keep 15 on. They’ve gone very close to even more big goals in these last few games as well.

The only piano your man should be concerning himself with is the one they’ll need for an oul concert to raise a few bob for the Tipp county board.


They do score very heavily in spurts tbf and it keeps them in games but they just have been conceding way too much.

I’d have a lot of sympathy for their full-back line to be honest, they’re made to look worse than they are.

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JK likes to sing Pianoman during victory celebrations


Tim O’Mahony is a hurler. Bit lazy and languid, but nice hands and striker.

Fitzgibbon is a lovely hurler. The way he can swing points over off his left on the run is a joy to behold.

Coleman is just class.

The downside for the three of them is they are just not physical enough. O’Mahony is built the best of them but doesn’t use it.

Team Sky’s main asset is they are all built like Rubby League players and can run and throw their way up the field until they find a man in space who plants his two feet to lamp it over.

Nash, Hannon, Tom Morrissey and Peter Casey would be the best of them hurling wise. Cathal O’Neill seems to be coming into that bracket too now.

“It’s 9 o’clock of a Saturday,
The regular crowd shuffles in…”

Every fucking year.


Limerick are at 50% at most. They’ve been way off it for their first 2 games… Cork are coming with everything. It’s knockout for them.

DOD is a huge cog and is still out.
Casey missing is huge… His tackling is off the charts

Cork have enough pace to get at Limerick.

Cork won’t lose both home games.

They are Cork.


You clearly have never seen Tim play. He’s a slow striker, his short striking isn’t crisp at all, his first touch isn’t great.

Fitzgibbon is only good at shooting on the run. Ask him to do anything else with a hurley and he can’t really do it. Take handpasses off the shoulder and take 12 steps while sprinting, he’s the best around at.

All of Limerick’s players are infinitely better hurlers than all of them. Finn, Nash, Kyle, Lynch, Casey, their hurling in tight spaces under pressure is unbelievable- touch & striking.


Limerick should win this by about 16 points.

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Sure by the sage’s definition above none of our HOTYs are hurlers at all, just accept he knows more about hurling than the rest of us.

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