Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Its ok bud, you dont know the rules, we’re here to help. The rule is exactly the following:

So the “denied a goal scoring opportunity” is defined here.

So in effect here:
Was he pulled down? - yes
Was he inside the 20 yard line and not within 25m of the sideline? - yes, just about as he started outside the line but dragged down finally inside of it
Was his team denied a goal scoring opportunity? - yes. Its entirely subjective about defenders and the best goalkeeper ever. They may not have scored a goal, but they clearly were denied an opportunity of scoring a goal. Which is what the rule is.

100% a penalty. You’ll get over it I’m sure after a few days pissing and moaning about it and saying you dont really care.


Great game Great atmosphere even a scrap in the stand during the second half

Most posters on here don’t know the rules of hurling, as I’ve pointed out many’s a time.


I just posted footage above that clearly shows it’s not even next to near a goal scoring opportunity. A player behind Kyle and between him and goal/ Nickie not to mind how wide he is…

But look, Limerick were bet so it’s all good.

Cork were fully worth the win but cop on ffs.

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If he gets past Hayes you think he isnt able to take a shot at the goal?

It’s only the round robin ect but that Limerick team are hurting from wear and tear and the bench is threadbare at certain positions. This is the first time a Kinnerk adjustment has been overcome since 2018? Finn has been a clear step below his all star form (no corner back has won 5, he has 4) and has picked up a fresh injury not related to his knee. Of all the players, Dan Morrissey was targeted and exposed a bit this evening. Little creaks and cracks have been exposed

Anyway. I’d say that was some game of hurling to watch as a neutral. Fucking disgrace it wasn’t on TV.

Sure he is in nearly the exact same position as Cathal Mannion when he stuck one in the net against Limerick last summer - if anything Mannions chance was the more difficult. Hayes knew it too and took a gamble.


You can take a shot at goals 50 yards out :person_shrugging:t2:… But he gets passed Hayes and hes very wide with another Limerick player between him and goal.

Honestly, Limerick bias aside that’s not a goal scoring opportunity.

Kyle fucked up… Brainnless stuff and put the game in stacks hands. If he just stood up he goes too wide and is never scoring from there with defenders back to block.

You’re asking me can he shoot on goal and justifying that for a peno.

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He scored from a similar chance in 2021


Did the shameful hit by Dalton get highlighted on the coverage? Gaago/Sunday game.

I saw it happen. Dalton will be marked down for it for a while to come now.

No. Not even mentioned… I didn’t see it but you knew by the way Kyle was struggling that he was hit. Let’s hope they meet again

TBF to the full back line. A lot of the problems came from the runners from the half forward line. They to stick or twist between going to the man with the ball or holding their own man. No right answer there. Finn was maybe lacking a little for pace but thought he was going okay considering. His loss is a big blow considering we are already down English and Casey. We are down to 4th choice back up now. I like FOC but it’s a big ask for him. It also takes away potential solutions to the issue at half back as neither Dan nor Nash can be moved out now

I dont think youre getting it. Its not a probability of scoring a goal, its denying an opportunity to try score a goal by dragging him to the ground inside the 20. Which happens. If he clotheslined him or shouldered him in the chest, then its not a penalty.

You may not agree with it, but its a black and white decision in this case.

That’s usually what happens when a midfield struggles alright.

Attrition is the biggest enemy of that Limerick team and they are suffering plenty of it

You’re worse for arguing with him. The same fella thought a bag of coke was a receipt

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Miles on the clock now and that tiny little bit of edge that goes from success.

Still beat Waterford and we are back on track. Some minor surgery required though I think

A lot of the problems stemmed from not being able to get a handle on Darragh Fitzgibbon at midfield at all.

In fairness i thought Hego was good and while Flanagan will get the plaudits for 3-03, it was Hego who lead the charge in getting them back into it and he had a key role to play in both second half goals along with physically bullying Coleman.


10 players in the way but we’ll call it a goal scoring opportunity :person_shrugging:t2:

Ah @Kyle is a good sort. There is a chance he can read and understand the rules.

There is also the chance that he will be a stubborn cunt and keep going on for days that he wouldnt score a goal, even tho that doesnt come into it