Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Tired looking owl outfit really.

That’s just the graphic.

How long more do we have to suffer Flanagan?

That really is an awful graphic.

The one they had been using for the past few years was perfectly serviceable. Why would you go with one that has white bits that cuts off parts of people’s name?

Hopefully Iarmaid, Earoid and Eclan have good games.

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It’s strange as the better more recently used graphic is still used for the minor and U20 teams. A timing/personnel issue maybe.

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He’ll play his way into form.

Om as well, he could do with a ig ame.


Reminds me of Pa Ryan on the Dock Road

Do Tipp fans have a new chant to replace their “More fingers than All Irelands” one?

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They still have more fingers than Limerick have All Irelands


The psychological concept of flow made famous by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi whereby a state of optimal concentration coincides with freedom looks to be something that Limerick constantly chase

Classic Derek.


The brother was better only for the drink

Hardly? And about 200k looking for tickets for the AIF

Shock horror, successful team has a bandwagon element.

I don’t actually believe it…was a hape of Limerick fellas here for years bleating about the Minster bandwagon


One of my Munster rugby supporting friends asked me a couple years ago if I’d get him a ticket to an all Ireland final. I told him if I could have got one I wouldn’t give it to him as he’d never been to a Limerick game in his life. That’s Munster supporters for you.

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What do the two stands hold? They used to say the Mackey held 10k but id be dubious

I’d say not much more than 20k, the North Stand must have a good bit more than the Mackey.
There are some Mackey tickets available now.

It’s your mans first year watching GAA, go easy.

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