Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Jaysus :joy:

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Dunno, lads like Morrissey from Galtee Rovers, Redser, two Fitzgerald’s from Roscrea etc….

Huge breeze in second half and Hogan putting players under pressure with short puck outs.

First touch atrocious everywhere. Breen sauntering about marking no one in particular, Forde at the same craic.
Morris blocked down 3 times? Keohe woeful.

Hard to see them being worse next day but if they don’t make a marked improvement then Waterford will eat them alive.

Tipp were miles better in '04 than they are now, they lost to Waterford by a point or two with a very late goal and then ran Cork close enough in the back door. It’s the early 80s when they had that decade long stretch without winning a game at all since Tipp were this bad.


That’s a fairly funny tweet, I was going to post it myself.

This is the worst Tipp team I’ve ever seen. I’ve been watching matches since 1987.


Yeah it’s great to see them in the doldrums alright


I didn’t see Tipp exactly kill themselves today. There was no intensity in that for long spells. A fair few Tipp lads came off that field with no sweat on the jersey. I’d say all eyes are on next weekend. They cannot be that bad of a team.

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They can. The type of hurling they play is alien to tipp. Its horrible. Lads must hate having freedom coached out of them.


That team had some good players as well though

Nothing with the surface, freak accident the defender went to block, slide and hit him taking his legs


Was not worth looking back at tbh!

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Could be a while before Sean Treacy is commemorated on Talbot Street on All-Ireland hurling final day again.

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John Devane?

They showed after the match on rte

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Cant bate tipp enough

Fuck tipp


Lost 4-10 to 3-12 to Waterford in Cork. Late Paul O’Brien goal sank them. The through ball from Seamus Prendergast was his finest moment in a Waterford jersey.

I got my first penalty points driving to that match but got them struck out.


Brendan Cummins
Philip Maher
Paul Curran
Eamon Corcoran
Declan Fanning
Tommy Dunne
Paul Kelly
Eoin Kelly

That team is actually better than the current team by more than I originally thought

If only John Mullane had been as obstinate.

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I wasn’t facing a court case for glassing a fella in Masons.


Oh we can be

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