Munster Senior Hurling Championship 2024

Not one jot

Luke Meade doesn’t come out of the third goal too well. Absolutely burnt

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David Fitz decided he wanted to get going. When a game opens up he is hard to stop

He gave up and then changed his mind. If he hadn’t of given up he would of got the hook in

Does he get a trophy for that?

Have and have. FFS man.


It was NFL-esque with Kyle beating his wide receiver and Quaiderback (sorry) landing it beautifully.

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First of all well done to Limerick yesterday. They were excellent throughout. Secondly best wishes to Peter Casey. That was a horrible injury. I heard a supporter in the vicinity fainted. A Limerick wisecrack beside us commented that he hoped the ambulance would take him to Cork as he’d only be on a trolley in the regional. The place was like a funeral home after. Limerick were on track for an ole, ole finale only for the injury. My last point on Limerick, WOD was immense again yesterday. My motm.

That was the worst Tipp performance in all my time following them. We knew we were underdogs but this fixture was known from months out to plan for. We travelled in hope. There was no bite, cut or plan. We altered with playing 1, 2 and 3 inside forwards vs the breeze in the first half. Our midfielders never came deep enough to influence the play building the ball out. O Mara never cut out one ball as a deep 6. I held out some hope in the second half but the Gillane goal finished that and we threw in the towel.

The poor individual displays when executing the basics magnified the tactical malaise. Forde missing 2 x 65s in the first 10 mins along with 4 balls in play. Morris being blocked x3, Morgans poor touches, our midfield pair failing to put a finger on any Limerick player. I’d make it that two players Ronan and Bowe that broke even at best. The rest were bet well. The positionalism/relationshipism debate was a stark contrast across both teams.

Cahills teams have always played the same way. Strong running from 60 yards in trying to get goals. This worked with Waterford with the Bennets, Barron, Prendergast… Tipp however have totally different athletic/hurling profile and their gameplan is like trying to fit a round peg in a square hole. Allied to their game plan the Limerick scrambe defense doesnt give away too many goal chances. Their FBL and HBL have very little space between them.

I don’t attend as many club games in the county as I did in the past but the shrewd judges assure me the players aint there. We have a very even county championship but not a quality one. Kilruane minus an injured Morgan won the county in 22. The fact they could win a county final without a contributing a county player to this years panel just shows that. The individual players will get a lot of flak this week but I don’t think there are better out there. I don’t know where the mgmt team start about picking a team for Waterford. The championship is now a write off in terms of getting a run. I just don’t want the towel thrown in again. Losing but with a bit of pride, a plan and some individual performances from younger players will suffice at this stage.

The only positive was that I got to spend the day with my uncle yesterday. He brought me to every match going growing up. We have less matches to look forward to together than what we have went to. Got 2 x ard chomhairle tickets where they let us two unwashed mix with the great and good. Despite the result he enjoyed himself meeting some heavy hitters.


True but Fitzgerald was able to run 40 or 50 yards and no one came out to meet him, And then well he eventually came to a man he was allowed to side step inside him to get in on goal.

Jesus that’s a bleak post from a Tipp fan, albeit a fair one. I tried viewing it from a Tipp lens halfway through the second half and it appeared depressing enough. As patronising as it sounds the championship needs a strong Tipp. And as you have pointed out in no uncertain terms, it’s not there.

Limerick were good but didn’t have to get out of second gear either.

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There was no atmosphere at all yesterday even prior to Peter.

Like u said it was like a funeral home after that.


As a neutral watching the game I just had the feeling Tipp weren’t going out all guns at all. They had a few chances that first half that they took kinda lackadaisically. The 3 blocked point attempts. The shot at goal that Quaid saved and a hots of shots dropped short.
In the second half I think they didn’t expend too much energy at all. I was looking at players and there was practically no sweat on the jersey after an hour.
I wasn’t there so obviously enough you can only take so much in on TV , but I think Tipp will be a way different outfit on Saturday,
I just got the feeling that Cahill was picking his battles. He will fancy his chances v Waterford and Cork could be on the beach by the time he plays them.

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Great post.

Holycross now dominating underage but not too many superstars coming through there either.

Drom won the U21 ‘A’ last year and @StoneCold will probably tell you that that team wouldn’t be a patch on Drom U21 teams from 15 years back that didn’t win anything.

I don’t think so. Cahill doesn’t have a plan B, it is just do plan A better.

His spiky personality doesn’t strike me as someone who turn a team around in a week from that type of poor performance.

There will be a big queue lining up for his job.


Cummins will surely want it anyway. He’d want results to keep going well though.

Woodlock might fancy it?

Who else? Willie Maher, as aforementioned, won’t get it. Neither will BDE or Gleeson.

Bring back babs Keating

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Broken ankle for Peter caseu

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Landers thinks Owens was very harsh on Cork on d’Examiner podcast :thinking:

Surely there’s a kick in them. They probably made limerick look better yesterday. There’s still six points up for grabs and even if Waterford turn them over, their last two games are in Thurles. They will have to put a big score on someone though. The deficit of 15 is more damaging to their prospects than giving up 2 points

The ability just isn’t there.

If the Railway Cup was still in operation and even if Limerick players didn’t commit, I dont think Tipp would have one player on a Munster Team and would be doing well to get anyone on the bench even.

Waterford for all their faults do have some marquee players like Lyons, De Burca, Barron, Hutchinson and Bennett who can actually do some magic with the ball.