Munster SHC 2021

Absolutely. Fucking embarrassing stuff in that first half


Sean Finn did exactly that as well after a tip of the paw on the face mask


:joy::joy::joy: Harney got a hurl straight into the Adams apple ffs. Tisnt the 70s

Sean finn took off his in parody tonight at one stage. It was proper embarrassment.

You’d be fucking mortified

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I had a stand up row with a Cork lad, when I questioned out loud whether twas a hurling match or the Oscar’s we were at


Paud Dwyer has the archetypal GAA referees gait. Slightly stooped from years of writing on the back of cards and little shuffling steps.


Harnedys was the only one. The rest were an embarrassment to your county

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That was in parody at the fucking gamology of your crowd

He must have slunk out fair quiet at the end.

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A man built to take notes

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I hope you enjoyed that their tonight. Above anyone , you fucking earned the right to be there.


OK mate, if it makes it sweeter for you to know that the boys from your county are more manly than the lads from mine I can’t argue, obviously im filled with shame


The plank left when there was still only 4 points in it and Cork threatening to do some damage

Your lads tore the helmets off themselves all night.

You’re barking up the wrong Bush with that shit. I’m unashamedly pro Limerick. Always

Your lads embarrassed themselves. Neymar wouldn’t get a look in.

Christy would fucking turn in his grave


It would not have been the charitable thing to beat by 20 pet. Hurling needs more teams competing. The Limericks of this world should be encouraging Cork. Maybe we should send the team down there to run a few Cul camps to help out??

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Dangerously stupid poster.


I didn’t relax until we took it back out to six with a couple of minutes to go. Cork left their shooting boots in the dressing room and should have been level. I know we missed just as many but that counts for nout if you get reeled back in.

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Corks execution left them down. Kingston and the rock had them spot on.

Coleman coughing up 2-6 screwed them


Sean Finn went down, quickly took his helmet off and put it back on again.

At no point did it look like an ambulance would be needed.


A parody of what he witnessed. He was making a mockery of it.

Cork are an embarrassment of what came before them

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