Munster SHC 2021

Closest to official text Google has to offer.

Vague enough although you’d consider from a competent perspective" a goal scoring opportunity" a position where the player in possession has the direct opportunity to score a goal in his next play/action i.e. one on one with keeper or goal (where a keeper could commit the foul e.g. Eoin Murphy) and within the 1st and/or 2nd of the four steps allowed.

In any world Owens made an incompetent call today, advised or otherwise. Taking today as a precedent practically all fouls on an attacker within the 21 would be a penalty and black card.

'In hurling, a team will now be awarded a penalty if one of their players has a goal-scoring opportunity and is pulled down, tripped, or struck carelessly with a hurley while he’s inside the opposition 20-metre line or semi-circular arc.

The player who commits the foul will be yellow-carded and sin-binned for 10 minutes.’


How did nobody along the way question how a man in possession inside the 20 but on the sideline could ever realistically be said to have a goal scoring opportunity. Shambolic.

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Thank you.

Yes, as you say, that piece is about the best out there. I was hoping maybe a lurking referee might be able to offer greater detail.

Even so, the point is implicitly clearcut: “In hurling, a team will now be awarded a penalty if one of their players has a goal-scoring opportunity and is pulled down, tripped, or struck carelessly with a hurley while he’s inside the opposition 20-metre line or semi-circular arc.”

It is the player in possession who must hold the imferred goal opportunity, not an inferred assisted teammate.

Thank you.

Same story…

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So Owens applied the rule.

Paddy Deegan made a smart play near half time yesterday then in delivering the body check on Chin as he was running at him inside the arc. No pull down, trip or use of the hurl. Just an old fashioned dunt of a shoulder into the chest as Chin committed him and laid the ball off to McDonald outside him.

He must have been marking some awful mullocker last week. You get a better class of forward in chipp.


I’d take Brian Lohan at Galway if Clare were stupid enough to dispense of his services. A great man, and a great example of strong words softly spoken.

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He will definitely get another year at the helm. Whether he wants to carry in after that is anyone’s guess. The slieveens won’t be able to force him out.

To be fair no one could have forseen it


Haven’t read everything above, but I assume I’m going to go against the grain a bit here, but when he turned the man (and had he not been hauled down), you’d immediately think oh goal chance here wouldn’t you? Haring into an acre of space. So there was a goal scoring opportunity.

The problem is, pretty much anything is a goal scoring opportunity. It’s pure vague. Sure Seamie scored a goal today from a mishit.

In this case the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. But you can’t blame the ref I don’t think. Stupid vague fucking rule, brought about by the classic reactionary GAA brigade.


The punishment is way too harsh. Either a penalty or a sin bin but both is crazy.

The sin bin is a pile of me bollox. Yellow card and penalty. And a much more defined rule is needed

If its needed at all

Get rid of the rule full stop. Cunts & their meddling for meddling sake


Stupid questions.

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It’s absolutely ridiculous. Sin Bin only and a normal free in today’s instance. But to give a penalty for that, ffs.

The Cork penalty last night was soft as fuck too, Cahalane was on his way down before Casey ever touched him, but sure that’s hardly a surprise, they must have spent weeks practicing the feigning head injury routine


I think it’s a great rule. Deliberate fouling should be punished severely.

I’d extend it out for the far end line.

That was a shocking tackle today.


Every foul should be a peno and a sin bin. That’ll teach em

Cynical fouling is disgusting.

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