Munster SHC 2021

Why didn’t he book him then?

Because he may not have deemed it a booking. But when coupled with his pull back of Kelly he deemed it his second offence and worthy of a yellow.

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Refer to my post above

There was no goal scoring opportunity here either.


It’s hardly the same thing though. It is a great finish from bubbles but it is a 70 yard direct ball and the Kilkenny half backline are completely out of position. The pace of that game is a few notches above Sunday too.

The Morris incident he hadn’t even the ball in his hand when fouled after a passage of player where there were numerous bodies back inside the Clare 40 including Cathal Malone around 30 yards out and goal side. Bubbles also takes that ball further in field and outside the 21 giving him a better angle too.

Morris may well have gone and scored a goal but the probability of it is pretty low. The fact you are showing an example from 5 years ago bears that out it isn’t all that common an occurrence.

Darach Honan got a goal from a similar area late in the 2013 replay albeit not the same quality as the Bubbles finish, but again it came from a long delivery and there was no cover whatsoever when he beat the first defender.

Nor here

6 defenders back to cover.

From last year.

You don’t know what path Morris would have taken once he got the ball in his hand because he was cynically taken out.
If Paul Murphy had dragged Bubbles down under the current rules and a penalty and sin bin given Jackie T et al would spontaneously combust. In fact many were incredulous that he didn’t at the time. The speed of hurling means Jake Morris could be in on goal in a split second.

The rule is currently way too harsh it should either be a penalty or a sin bin, not both.

The reality is you don’t know how the covering defenders will react either. They won’t all go to Morris because some of them will hang back to cover incoming forwards.

Your right, it was also a wet pitch on a greasy day. He could easily have fumbled the ball for all we know. It is all speculation. I think if the play had developed and Morris had the ball in his hand and in stride then it is a very easy decision for the ref. But he wasn’t.

Same applied to Shanagher when he caught a ball 25 yards out in a central position and turned for goal. I think it was Heffernan he turned and Brendan Maher hauled him down before he got into stride but could have been the other way around. If he got two strides in he was pulling the trigger but Maher took him out before that. McCarthy did the same. I thought both were frees ins and yellows, nothing more.

Of course you’d think that.

And why wouldn’t I? It is pretty much the same thing, both players saw the potential danger and committed fouls before the play developed as opposed to cynical last ditch attempts to stop a clear goal chance. Both were tactical fouls as opposed to cynical attempts to prevent a goal.

If Morris or Shanagher were a couple of strides in then I think the sin bin may have been warranted.

Morris was on his bike and through on goal.

He was on the sideline in the process of rising the ball.

He was indeed. Well spotted.

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Exactly, Morris (who is no slouch) could have a clear shot on goal within 7-8 yards.

I wouldn’t be happy had it been given against Tipperary, but to say it downright wasn’t a goal scoring opportunity is not exactly true.

Jaysus lads on here have Jake Morris collecting the ball by the side line and it looking like a certain goal. Can someone throw up his previous goals for Tipp in senior hurling? League would do. Munster league even.


It was a ridiculous challenge. He deserved the sin bin for pure stupidity.


McCarthy and Clare were lucky. Not alone was it a sinbin offence, the tackle itself was reckless and a red card offence. Owens error was in not sending him off and giving Tipp a penalty.

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If one of the Limerick players pulled a stunt like that they’d be looking for jail time.


Morris only had one thing in mind alright. He’s mad for goals but doesn’t score a huge amount of them. Yet.