Munster SHC 2021

I disagree. Morris doesn’t score a goal from there. I’m sure the overwhelming majority of the board sees it the same.

What was the free count on the day for each team?

How many wides for each team?

How many fouls per day?

You seem to think referees are infallible or is that allowable if they give decisions to your satisfaction?

Well if the majority can agree on something that didn’t happen well then case closed.

The motion which was passed had the specific wording “clear goal scoring opportunity” as harry says none of know whether Morris can engineer something out of it or not, it is 50/50. Therefore it is far from clear and a poor judgement call by Owens.

Spot on.

I agree the rule is absolute insanity, but if Morris isn’t brought down unceremoniously, I do think that everyone would be shouting ‘goal on here’ which is probably what Owens had to say to himself.

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Another shit thing about the rule is that a clear goalscoring opportunity varies massively depending on who has the ball in their hand. If it’s peak Callanan or Horgan it’s a big difference to many other forwards who may be as likely to trip over themselves as to score a goal.


If only somebody had footage or screenshots of a situation where a player picked up a ball in a bit of space close to the sideline and DIDNT score a goal.

But such circumstantial evidence hardly exists, does it?


Same applies to Shanagher when he caught a ball over Heffernan and Maher and was hauled down. If not fouled he is two strides off taking a goal shot on. Neither are clear goal scoring opportunities when the foul occurs

It was a shocking decision, I have never argued that.

But, the continuous shit of the “ no way Morris is scoring “ is as brain dead as Owens decision.

Someone share the Bubbles goal against Kilkenny there


Yes agreed - the rule is a complete farce though.

They just need to make the penalty area much bigger than it is. It should be 3 times the current ‘parallelogram’. Inside is a penalty and outside is a free. Keep the thing simple.

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You really need the joy of reffing a game with no square marked :grimacing::grimacing:

I’m saying remove the existing the 13/21 yard lines and draw in a large semi-circle with a diameter 25m from the centre of the goal. You can still mark a penalty spot 11m/21m for hurling/football.

He still has a lot of work to do to make a goal chance. The chap had been heavily involved in the play for the previous 20 seconds too so no guarantee he would have had the air in him to carry the ball 30 yards and outpace the covering defender, not that it should be a factor in the refereeing call but his lungs must have been burning at that point. He could well end up scoring a goal, he could well have popped it over the bar or layed it off, or he could just as easily fumbled the ball or lost his footing as countless players did Sunday, nobody can say with any degree of certainty what could have happened.

It’s like the Colin Lynch affair in penalty/sin bin form.

I know. I was merely reliving personal trauma

not that I disagree with your overall point, but it specifically does not say “clear”.

“, if one of the following infractions is committed on an attacking player with a goal-scoring opportunity, either inside the 20-meter line or the semi-circular arc -”

so the point about it being far from clear is not relevant to the specific wording of the rule, but it is still a poor call by Owens regardless.



@carryharry @TheBird


Point of order - it doesn’t state clear.

Also, referenced above that he could have set up a goal for somebody else. That is irrelevant as I’m sure already pointed out. It had to be a goal scoring opportunity for Morris himself.