Munster SHC 2021

Apologies it is “with a goal scoring opportunity” as opposed to clear. But by wording you would think that would mean a clear chance or an ability to get a shot off if not impeded rather than just being fouled in the 20 or semi circle.

Yes, that illustrates the vagueness and subjectivity of the rule.

James Owens is obviously of the take your goals and the points will come mindset.


Does anyone know what Mosajee Bhamjee made of the incident?


Why would McCarthy hack him down if there wasn’t danger?

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“We need to go out and protest at the offices of Munster GAA. Offaly protested in 1998 and they done us out of an All-Ireland because of it”.



I’d imagine there is so much up roar over this decision because it ruined a very good game.

It was a dangerous and cynical tackle from McCarthy.

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Clare’s Central Council and Munster Council representatives are not making enough noise, the Kilnamona man claimed, “We need someone like Niall Romer to rattle a few cages. There’s people there who’s sell by date has gone, they have nothing to contribute and their sell by date is gone”.

Romer contested the position of Vice Chairman at the Clare GAA Convention last year and received 16 votes with Kieran Keating elected to the role with the backing of 92 delegates. “There’s always another time, he is a very outspoken man, it is people like him that we want and not to be hiding behind four course meals”

A few points there.

  • does he want Romer to stand behind Owens at his work place and roar abuse at him?

  • they can’t even feed their u-20 hurlers so four course meals is a stretch.


Casey’s one was as bad Saturday night but there was no talk about it because Horgan missed and Limerick won. Casey was chasing him back and there was a tangle of legs. No way was that intentional


The Limerick lads just shrugged their broad shoulders and got on with things though. That’s what Champions do.


you’ve actually changed my mind from thinking he absolutely got it wrong to now thinking he may have got it right.

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What will that achieve? Shocking decision everyone can agree but a protest to get the attention if the public on something that can’t be changed. The record books will always show tipp won. Clare were very hard done

Even if it was the right call it shows just how badly worded and designed the rule is. Pretty much every pundit has come out and said it was a dreadful call and if print media is to be believed so do the rule makers in hq. I would have far less issue if Owens was consistent in his application and awarded the same penalty when Shanagher was pulled down from behind when in clean possession and heading for goal. Neither were worthy of a sin bin and penalty though.

Neither are goal scoring opportunities when the foul occurs. They may well become them if play develops further. But we can only speculate to that.

It was the hard call and the right call, by the rule. Now whether or not the rule is right is the question. I’m surprised the refs are enforcing it, because usually they just ignore these things and they go away.

I’d say the rule will be scrapped

You’re a bigger eejit to be paying attention to what pundits think.

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Looked extremely harsh but intent is not part of the rule.

The rule needs scrapping because we’ll get a penalty and sin bin a game as it stands or more


Is it a yellow card, sin bin and penalty for one offence. Does the yellow card stand? It’ll be come non contact when a fella runs at goal