Munster SHC 2021

If there’s 30 thousand in the stadium they’re all off their seats at that moment when he passes McCarthy, the noise is gone up and Morris is thinking goal, most likely from a layoff, there has to be a numerical advantage

So, goal chance, almost definitely a likely outcome, goal scored, maybe 1 in 3 chance, it’s a good rule, needs a bit of tweaking


Layoff is not relevant. It needs to be a goal chance for the player in possession.

It’s a shambles.


What’s wrong with a free, yellow card and a point there in that instance? the old way?

Cynicism isn’t going to go away. I’d say this will lead to more fouling out the field and less goalscoring chances or else lads diving and looking for contact inside the area and looking for penalties and sin bins

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Agreed. The risk reward favoured the defender too much the old way. Dangerous tackle taking out the forward - yellow card and a free from the sideline.

Morris had to be the player to have the goal scoring opportunity, overlapping or unmarked players make no odds.

As you can see it is a terribly thought out rule

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now the back gets punished 3 ways - penalty, yellow and ten minutes off - the team actually get punished 3 ways.

This will lead to awful diving and skullduggery

Leave Galway and Cork out of it.

Would that be a missed goal chance then?

HoN Limerick!

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if they actually wanted to affect change in hurling they’d have a referee in each half of the field - hurling is way too fast a game to be reffed by one man

Waterford’s Eoin Kelly would have made hay under this new rule, flopping and diving around the place.

Cork hurlers be like

Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN

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It’s fairly clear that few people (including myself) took much heed of the rule before or after Congress. Hard to fathom how such a motion passed.

I blame Covid and/or delegates from football counties.

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Clare are the most decent and noble GAA county in Ireland for that incredible gesture of offering Offaly a replay in 98. That should never be made light of or forgotten. You didn’t see Meath do it in 10 for Louth. Great gaels in Clare, fair minded and truly decent people. It’s horrible to see them being black guarded by officialdom this way. Dirty tv rights selling bastards in GAA hq.

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Have you ever played hurling mate?

The rule doesn’t say that either:

if one of the following infractions is committed on an attacking player with a goal-scoring opportunity

There could be a goal scoring opportunity in front of a player, the opportunity could be giving a pass to score a goal.

It’s another problem with the rule. You’re right that it is terribly thought out. It’s ridiculous really.

From Pat Daly, Head of Games Development, back in January on the passing of the rule…

“Goal scoring opportunity doesn’t necessarily lie exclusively with the guy who is in possession. It’s not as straightforward as people might think. For instance a player running towards goal is rugby tackled and there’s a guy inside unmarked.”

Quoted in IT today.

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It’s becoming increasingly clear that currently any foul inside the 21 or in an arc of that size around the goal are a penalty yellow and sinbin under the current rules.
Bizarre Owens only blew it for one side throughout

He blew once. Total.

Boylan got a yellow card for getting fouled inside the 21 in the Limerick Cork game, bizarrely

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He did it once because he ignored two completely clear similar fouls, both by tipp coincidentally