Munster SHC 2021

what did you make of the Casey one? You asked me a completely irrelevant question on the back of it.

I don’t believe clashes of legs in those circumstances are accidental.

when a fella is trying to hook another fella at top speed?

I did play hurling, I was shit, but i played.

Arguably the more shit and awkward you are the more likely you are to accidentally trip someone. (Not you specifically mate)

I recommend that you could have the makings of a top top referee

That’d be my point to an extent. These elite senior IC lads these days are there because they know exactly where they are going and what they are doing.

The Cork lad was clever and ran across Casey’s run - I have zero problem with that. I don’t think Casey intentionally took him down. It was a bad call. Just the outcome was different. I suspect if the result was the other way there’d be blue murder about that one as well

I find refereeing ladies junior League the epitome of stress. I couldn’t be dealing with it.
Forty odd people who’ve put months and years of work in all relying on you making the right call over and over again. Throw in timekeeping, umpires (or lack thereof), pitch markings (or lack thereof), clearly audible regular “instructions” from the sidelines, abuse from sidelines and players, and it’s too hot for my blood tbh.
If I was asked to referee a championship senior game I’d go into witness protection


Then giving it big licks when he won a penalty and had a lad sin-binned.

I’d often meet a senior intercounty championship referee on walks/runs and he is a seriously decent bloke. He has a neck like a jockeys bollocks

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Ah jaysus there’s some lads that are very awkward in what they do.

being awkward, but the rule also does not specifically mention intent or deliberate. The rule for black card in football specifically mentions “deliberately” hence the difference between codes and where confusion may lie. Casey tripped his opponent, his intention has no bearing under the way the rule is written.

If it’s not up on Strava it didn’t happen!

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So theoretically any foul inside the 21 is a penalty and a sin bin. They’ve made a right balls out of this

yes on both counts, absolutely. My initial thoughts on Owens call was that he had taken his own interpretation of the rule, but it seems by the letter of how it is written, he didnt do anything wrong, which is somewhat backed up by what Fergal Horgan said some months back.

Where I do have the issue with Owens call, is the common sense application of the rule. The rule shouldnt be intended to be used like he did. A foul out near the sideline shouldnt be essentially an automatic goal and a player off the pitch for ten minutes. It should be for very clear goal scoring opportunities where the player is on the cusp of shooting for a goal chance, not where after a passage of play a goal could arise. @myboyblue said it previously, but if Owens did not give a penalty and a sin bin, no one would have batted an eyelid.

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Like Murphy’s one, blatant and cut and dried proper application of it. If they changed the wording to deliberate like in Bogball it would remove confusion - deliberate pull down, deliberate trip etc, deliberate signifies an intent to stop the player scoring

McCarthy’s foul was definitely deliberate

Complete accident I’d say, but a foul nonetheless,
Cahalane was in the act of sidestepping Declan Hannon when the collision occurred, he was most definitely not initiating contact and there was no simulation whatsoever involved, goal chance? I don’t think so, he’s likely have tapped it over rather than shoot from 25 yards

agreed it was a foul, no qualms, but a penalty, sin bin and yellow card? Goal scoring opportunity seems to be the kicker but there is no clear definition of that. That’s completely open to interpretation

yeah, that may help alright, and McCarthys was most certainly deliberate, but more worthy of a free and a yellow card than a penalty and sin bin. There were plenty of times in the league where this rule was applied in the wrong, but none really affected the game so not much was made of it, so it never got air time like this one is doing. I would hope that referees are being told now not to give it in the scenario Owens did, as we dont want a championship to be ruined by a trial type rule which hasnt been well written.

is the sin bin definitely a yellow card as well - so three punishments?