Munster SHC 2021

Galway will batter the cunts back to the rubby

I do admire you flatty. You’re like Oliver Twist. You just keep asking for more. At some stage you’ll probably be right though

What the fuck is wrong that turned you into such a boot licker?
You think kk will lie down in front of Limerick like ye did yesterday? They’re a bunch of mullockers. Put another bunch of young fit mullockers in with them and we’ll see. The only time a team with self belief turned up against them, they bate them handy.

You sound like you’re enjoying “freedom day” flatty


Ah yes, That league game in Salthill was one for the ages.

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Have you a touch of sunstroke?


The kk game mate. Championship.
It’s only little fishes get excited about the laygue

That was 2 years ago. The invincibles are now invincible again I’m afraid.

You can’t hurl and tug the forelock at the same time.

The league is all yeve had to get excited about since 18 flatty

Are you taking the Internet serious?

Still sore over being bullied by a few young fellas

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We had ye excited enough till mannion had to go off last year.

We will walk all over ye. Bookmark it.

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No qualifiers in the football this year flatty

Aboy da kid.!!!

That’s it. Never take a backward step.
Keep swinging no matter what.

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If the Limerick medics on the sideline had done their job properly that day and taken Hannon off we could be looking at 4 in a row.
As it is 3 in four years is a nice target.

I wouldn’t discount the possibility at all. Galway could still do anything. Ye unpredictable mad bastards.

Try to stay on ye’re feet the next time.

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Ye won’t get that far kid… Unfortunately