Munster SHC 2021

The performance of Tipp in 09 final against the greatest team of all time was wonderful for hurling fans to watch. Nobody had come close to KK before that in years, Galway gave them a game in 07 actually, but after 08 and the league in 09 they looked unbeatable.
On Sunday against the pretend greatest team of all time he also had a plan that worked for 35 mins.


2009 - lost.
Sunday - lost.

Imagine what his reputation would be like if he actually delivered more than the odd bit of success.

Beating the likes of Clare is all well and good but his record against the top teams, for the most part, is only ok.

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:popcorn: .

Which one is that?

You’re trying too hard. Relax


I’m zen.

I hope so

That’s what I’ve heard. He’s supposedly an absolute gent.
The game Saturday was for the ages. Two of the greatest performances you’ll ever see, and completely different.
Tipp in the first half for the purists, and Limerick in the second for the rubby mullockers.
It’s back to the old adage, by and large, a big un will beat a little un.


You’re shitting it :laughing:

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Why? Galway will batter ye. I’m on record here. I have not a single qualm about it.

Fair play to you. I’m not convinced you believe it but you’re sticking your neck out anyway, if nothing else you’ll get a bit of mileage out of it. Galway could still be anything. They could bow out with a whimper or they could yet blitz everyone else they meet, possibly including us.

You’re like the young one who is determined not to go home with that arsehole again tonight, no way girls, I’m done with him, I deserve better etc etc, but the minute he walks into the bar she knows she’s getting bulled again tonight and she fully accepts it.

Mwah :kiss:

mrw GIF

So sweet


download (4)

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What other team was doing that before Tipp?

Is Kinnerk’s method of playing a possession game revolutionary? Is it complicated?

Ah come on, Eamon O’Shea developed Tipp into the most easy on the eye team to ever play the game. The purest of the pure. Barcelona 2008-2012 esque.

You are remembered every bit as much for how you played the game as what you win and Tipp 2008-2019 will be as fondly remembered as any team ever.

The Tipp team that couldn’t win an All Ireland without a raft of Kilkenny injuries?

When I think of Tipp 2008 to 2019, I think of Limerick beating them. Consistently.


The 2016 team are the only ones to win it all, played very well in final too. EoS wasn’t involved with them at all.

Yerrah that is like saying Jim Gavin should get zero credit for Dublin winning last year’s all Ireland


They played a lovely style in that final, Callanan gave one of the great AI final displays. Poor Joey Holden was given an unmerciful chasing.

That style was easily as good as anything an O’Shea involved Tipperary team produced.