Munster SHC 2021

Oh I dont know boss tbh.

Your absolutely correct although I have no rationale as to how or why.

Both Galway and Waterford now on a route neither would have expected and possibly on a trajectory to meet the Munster champions at some point, both of whom I also thought would have had a chance of ambushing Limerick prior to the Final. Last years championship form seems null and void at this point with the exception of Limerick and the recent league outings in some cases inverse to championship form.

I know @bandage had quipped about it but 1B form/teams have performed while 1A sides have yet to fire. Like you say, hard to see a logic or reason for it

Thatā€™s the thing. There really hasnā€™t been anyone else thatā€™s put their hand up and staked a claim for a place. If Niall Oā€™Meara and Bonner were available, at least one of them would start. Aside from that, thereā€™s nobody who you could say is being hard done by.

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Good to see a bit of analysis of the match. Cork worked hard to make the supply in of poorer quality but ye had so much possession plenty of it was going to stick. The two goals came at exactly the right time for ye and worst for us. That was it good night Irene after that, pucking wides was enough to keep us at bay even


I remember I turned up ridiculously early for the 2007 All Ireland final to get the full minor final in, the only time Iā€™ve ever done that for a non KK team. The spine of that team still propping up Tipp today, changing of the guard is close.

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We did very well out of the 06 + 07 crop. Would have won even more at senior only for facing up against the greatest side of all time in their pomp

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They were exceptional to be fair and its tempting to say they underachieved but 3 titles in a decade('10,'16 & '19) had not been achieved since the '60s and the fact they beat KK in all 3 ensures History will remember them fondly or at least future Tipp GAA yearbooks!


A grand soft day here in Limerick . Not a nice day for hurling

Itā€™s absolutely disgusting out there at the moment.

Advantage Clare

Not like thereā€™s a queue behind him. The lad above calling for Dalton. I mean, Dalton is grand like, but FFS settle down a bit

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The banjo boys love a damp day

Iā€™d say rte didnā€™t want those games yday with the euros

I think the criticism of Horgan is over the top. Placed balls were poor and in the end probably cost cork the chance to ask a serious question of LK.

But, in open play you couldnā€™t say he wasnā€™t trying considering the team he was up against.
The ball into the Cork ff line wasnā€™t great and he was being closely marshalled throughout.

It was a one off imo. The performances of Harnedy & Cadogan were worse imo.

If Cork think Cadogan is an option ahead of Cooper then he must be doing Roy of the Rovers stuff in training.

Limerick just have the players, when things were tough Hayes, Hegarty & Lynch were sublime.

Flanagan was really lucky not to see red too, watching the challenge back it was nasty. The angle of the hurl to the head was the poor part, he swung the edge in across the side of the head.
Although it can be argued it wasnā€™t malicious it could still end up doing real harm.

The Gaa do need to address the use of the hurl in the tackle. Itā€™s not wanted or needed in the game.


Last day we hurled in the wet well in Limerick was against Clare actually.

Surely with the success of streaming and gaa go over Covid the gaa will cut out the middleman and take the likes of the eir league games and the sky matches along with all the other streamed games and put them up on their own platform.

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Did Eoin Cadogan keep his man scoreless? He was marking Tom Morrissey i thought. Maybe Iā€™m wrong

Iā€™d say they are wondering do they need RTE at all.

Outside of some poor camera work at times in the Wex KK game yesterday the Sky coverage was as good as anything RTE do.