National Gaelic Football League 2018

You are too stupid altogether.

You have no idea what you are saying

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Clearly more of an idea than you.

Interesting viewpoint.

Clearly you don’t.

You want to withdraw any possibility of education for millions of minorities around the world.

You CLEARLY have no idea what you are on about.

It’s hilarious how thick he is. He throws out all these half-baked ideas out here without giving the slightest explanation about how he would implement them.

I think only those fit to academic qualifications should go to university.

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Listen mate, if you cant afford to go to college, then you simply don’t deserve to be there. Fuck you and your sporting talent at basketball, football, tennis, judo, etc. Go sell crack.


Can’t afford? There are loans and part time work available for students. If you’re too lazy or too entitled then forget about.

Typical stater snowflakes and their sense of entitlement.

Oh yea, underprivileged people around the world are often very entitled.

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Underprivileged people generally don’t feel too entitled to get a part time job when in education, dummy.

The concept of opportunity is lost on you.

It’s funny how much you have exposed YOURSELF as a self entitled twaat here.

A part time job while in college will pay for college tuition in America?

Damn, Trump is crushing it if so.

The concept of working for something is lost on you mate. Things aren’t generally handed on a plate for people , you have to work for them.

Why are you talking about America?

Just because



I don’t see what it has to do with GAA players.

Just because

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The British education he received has ingrained a very Tory mindset into him. He’s a fucking idiot.

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